Who at the NBA Main HQ can I have my money manager John Spano call to inquiry about other available teams?
Who at the NBA Main HQ can I have my money manager John Spano call to inquiry about other available teams?
It also helps that Ballmer was bidding against himself, like Homer Simpson using eBay for the first time.
The Hawks aren’t exactly a prestigious team with a rabid fanbase or an internationally recognized brand...
You’re suggesting that someone chastised you for cheering about a home run? Have you ever actually been to a baseball game or are you confusing it with a tennis match you once saw on TV?
Because I’m a fucking idiot.
It’s a berry, berry good point.
Coming up next:
There are lots of black baseball players. They are just African Caribbean instead of African American.
“Chris Rock is a baseball fan.”
Don’t you have Eagles workouts to go to?
And yet somehow *I* was the mediawhore/distraction.
Holy crap. I clicked on the video and knew exactly where she is at (sign me up to be an investigative reporter, ESPN. I have a college degree, am in good shape, have all my teeth, and live in an apartment). Before everyone absolutely rags on Britt here, let me play devil’s advocate for just one second.
Champions League in Europe is this: Take the best teams from each league and have them play each other in a long world cup-style protracted tournament that lasts all season. In recent years you can assume either a Spanish or German team will end up the eventual winner.
Somewhere, the Raiders GM is also sad.
Jerry Sloan is from/has a huge mansion in McLeansboro, IL which is right next to me in Carbondale and I know a lot of people from there that have families close/closeish to him. They all say that Sloan talks about how he wouldn’t have retired if it weren’t for Williams. He apparently describes lots of stories of how…
13.5 full days that baseball is giving back to fans.
You're right. They are ONLY $8.50...