
Big Sicker

I watched two episodes of Yellowstone and didn’t feel any need to watch any more, but I loved 1883. Just on a historic level it’s fantastic; the lead can get a bit grating — her voiceover narration almost felt like a parody in the beginning, but once you get over that hump, you’ll be happy you did.

Ernie Anastos lives!!!

It looks like it might be okay, but damn, they really took their time with this sequel, didn’t they...

I was thinking maybe he mispronounced her name as “Adolf Hitler”...

(kind of gratuitously violent at the end, but hey)

Feinman... Try again...

Chloe Feinbaum


This may sound strange, but the trailer’s font and credit sequence gives a very Woody Allen vibe.

Goodness. If Hollywood royalty like BDH gets hosed on deals like this, what chance do ordinary actors have?

Many years back she was the lead in the Broadway production of Proof (the movie version featured Gwyneth Paltrow; Heche was taking over for Mary-Louise Parker in the play), and I got to see it. She was fantastic, and later I learned that the play itself ran a good ten minutes shorter than with MLP because she was so

It’s amazing how little surprise there is on this show. The second we know Kelly and the Russian are having sex, we know she’ll be pregnant. As soon as Danny starts his admission of him and Karen, the hab is rescued.

“everything to do with the allegations levied against him by daughter Dylan Farrow.”

Cut the last ten minutes of any Spielberg film, and you have perfection. With them... Not so much.

I remember being shocked at seeing Pratt in Zero Dark Thirty.

a child psychiatrist who recently lost his wife when he encounters a troubled young boy”

After watching the first season of this show, if you’d told me that they would be able to exercise such restraint at the very end of its run, I would’ve said no way. But wow, that is TIU’s crowning achievement — that they ended it quietly and quite beautifully. In a way, it reminds me of the series ender for King of

This is a really tough episode to pull off. We all know it is Rebecca’s death episode. You can’t be too cloying, which This Is Us was a little too full of back in season 1. And it can’t be too out there, either.

How many years pass by from when Kevin and Sophie move in near the end of the episode to the very end when Kevin is calling Randall? From the way Kevin looks, it feels like 5 years?  I guess they were trying to match the way he looks in the early flashforward...?  The most distinguishing (and distinguished) trait