
Yup. Looks like they fixed the mislabel. :)

When did Chloe Fineman leave SNL? I thought she was still on?

I demand a Jeff Garlin-like CGI standin for season two!

Great to finally meet you, Miguel!

I’m so glad Liam is still working and that we get to see him. It's really all a gift, he's totally right about that. We'll never see Bruce Willis on screen again...

I wonder if any of them will have intercourse with a pig...

One person’s creep is another person’s romantic touchstone, I guess? 🙃

I’m waiting for Ms. Moss to star in a remake of Pretty Woman.

Best Kevin episode in years. Possibly ever. Rebecca’s speech was perfect, Nicky was hilarious. Beth has been delivering comedic gold all season and does so here, too.

And 12 Years a Slave: https://youtu.be/AYW9htw1DAw

Why not have the CGI Jeff for the whole season? That I would watch...

I love this film so much... The girls are marvelous and I really dig how the movie works on many levels. Even though it is a time travel movie, it also doesn't necessary have to be.

Next headline: “Kiefer Sutherland likes money”

I’m right there with you. Of the three Pearsons, Kate’s character has been the worst developed, no question. Somebody here mentioned a little while back that in the first season, when she meets Toby for the first time, she tells him straight out, I’m not going to date a fat guy. So Toby does everything in his power to

I don’t actively listen to his music, either, but I’d be lying if I didn’t happen to hear Billie Jean somewhere and my feet started tapping...and then I feel kinda bad.

Good point — I suppose if MJ had written a song about how much he loves kids, or if Picasso had painted terrifying canvases of beating up women, it would make it a wee bit harder to deal with them.

BTW, Phillip’s story of his wife getting killed by a drunk driver was straight out of season 1 ubermaudlin dreck. I almost expected him to continue:

I still hold out hope that Dan Fogleman somehow found the wherewithal to kill off Kate, but I seriously doubt it. Like so many showrunners who have preceded him, he won’t have the cojones to do it.

Where Kate and Toby Pilgrim become unstuck on time...

There’s a theory that goes something like... The tolerance of an artist’s personal awfulness is in direct proportion to their level of talent.