
The studio only get about half the box office. That varies depending on which week of the run they’re in, the deals they’ve struck, what country they earn in, etc etc, But as a ballpark for this sort of speculation, 50% is about as close as you’ll get.

Joel McHale has had a busy schedule of appearing over Jeremy Allen White’s shoulder throughout the day to scream mean things at him.

In the end, it doesn’t matter how capable the candidate is; it matters how gullible the electorate is. The electorate has been feeding off of Fox news, bullshit pop psychology, TikTok, aspirational tv, Facebook and down-their-throats fear marketing for too long. 

This is the stupidest non story of the year. Jetlagged guy with a stutter acts like jetlagged guy with a stutter during a debate with a 34-count convicted felon serial sexual predator who has declared he intends to be a dictator and replace all remaining government officials with his hand-picked cronies, and this

This. I know this movie was under the radar, but I’m shocked that Rooney Mara eating an entire goddamn pie didn’t become a viral thing.

Why didn’t they just re-edit Bosom Buddies?

Now playing

I am very much looking forward to seeing this 😊

Are you saying you’re not going to watch his cooking show on YouTube?

Guy’s a weirdo but I think something that would be great for society would be a database with everyone’s most embarrassing sexual kink in it. You would see people being a lot less judgmental in public once you can look them up and find out about their Brazilian fart porn fetish.

The Man Who Ate U.N.C.L.E.

before all of that stuff happened to me, I didn’t feel good

it remains very, very funny to me that his career completely evaporated because he was too horny.

I didn’t get a Community notification for this.

Superman canon height Golden Age/Post-Crisis- 6'2"

Get a haircut ‘n get a “Wheel” job!

What was her job interview like?

Was Merv Griffin like, “Do you know the alphabet? If something were glowing, could you tell? Good. You start Monday.” 

People who like word puzzles? I mean what’s the problem with it?

Yeah. He was great on 30 Rock, and he was in some pretty good movies (The Hunt for Red October, for example). The “Always Be Closing” scene added to the film adaptation of Glengarry Glen Ross wouldn’t have been the same with any other actor delivering that monologue. I also love his voice as the narrator of The Royal

The ending wrecked me.

Holy shit is that Kidman at the left of the header pic? Is it possible to get plastic surgery for your entire body?