
Anybody who doesn’t enjoy Airplane! is a bona fide psychopath.

It looked like Pleasantville to me, but I hadn’t considered the Theron storyline. Now I hope it was Cider!

“Jim-aiy, Jim-aiy, Jim-aiy...”

Double feature with Amour for the win!

Sounds like a pinch of Fatal Attraction with a dash of Unlawful Entry. Not the worst combination of combinations of Hollywood fodder.

Reading this, it’s almost frightening how much the person I think Heather Graham is IS actually that person.

For all of its faults, I’ll give The Undoing this: I watched until the last moment and never lost interest.

Little Blonde Herring!

MI3 is not good, but there is one thing undeniable for me... Philip Seymour Hofmann is the best bad guy in the franchise. I think it's the only time he's played a villain? I miss him.

“Toobin” “jerk” “jerky”

I know it was terrible, but truly, it was worth it for Beth’s Randall dance.

Thanks for these wonderful recaps/analyses, Caroline. Really enjoyed reading them all.

This is my third Noah Jupe, the others being Ford vs. Ferrari and that crazy movie where Shia Lebeof plays his father. He’s totally got the goods.

Every time I see Thatcher cooking, it makes me laugh out loud. She’s truly the shining example of cognitive dissonance.

There is a Crown podcast! There has been from the beginning. It may not be as informative as the Chernobyl one, but it's quite good and a worthy companion to the show.

I’m just floored at the number of significant roles she's had - she could retire right now and have had a full career...

How famous is Kevin?” We all know the answer, of course: as famous or under-famous as he needs to be to serve the needs of the episode. 😁 But let’s see...he was on a successful sitcom for a while and then has starred in some supporting roles until this one, where he will portray a bodice ripping lawyer.

Is Hugh Grant becoming typecast as a jailbird? First he goes to jail for his shenanigans with Paddington, and now this! In both cases, he’s got a very captive audience. 😁

The last time I saw such ultra close-ups was in the Kelsey Grammer show Boss. It worked in that show; not so much here.

Yeah, no racism here. Just a super confident rich dude who's not even a tiny bit afraid of the police. Must be nice...