
Something goes awry when Fincher doesn’t have a psychopath in his films. I had a feeling this was on par with another of his well intentioned misfires, Benjamin Button...

I concur 100%. Also, she is legit cute! Mostly we see her where she looks like hell, but all made up, she’s quite adorable, which would absolutely make her the perfect outsider romcom star.

Super interesting take. I’ve adored Sterling since discovering him on the OJ miniseries, because of his ultra earnest performance. That's what I love most about him, but I think you are dead on here. His best trait may be the reason why this feels too much. It's like his superpower is being used against him!

As is de rigour with just about every Spielberg film, if he were to excise the last ten minutes, it’d be perfect. But no... He has to get the schmaltz in.

I think they should just rename this show to RetCon.

The Miniaturist was quite good. Just wanted to mention that as it was a PBS thing here in the US and they sometimes get short shifted.


Like Tom, the only time I had to come back three times to watch a movie due to ticket unavailability. Because of the hassle, we actually got free tickets for our eventual successful entry!

I think this is also the first movie where I saw Dan Stevens in a completely different light, after his stint as Matthew Crawley in Downton Abbey. Almost unrecognizable, Stevens followed this up with the likes of The Guest. When he shows up in Lucy in the Sky as the Ned Flanders knockoff cuckold a few years later, I

God, I love this movie. Even more than Taken. Julianne Moore is actually funny here (such a great dramatic actress, but humor hasn’t been her strongpoint), and the supporting cast is indeed strong. Linus Roache, Shea Whigham, Anson Mount — they’re all here, too! Thinking of similar airplane-violence-themed comps — Air

Ah, that makes sense. The first one was really nightmarishly good. I also remember a friend loving his novel “The Great and Secret Show,” which apparently was supposed to be a trilogy but stopped at the second book...

I’ve been hearing about this debacle of a musical number of Rob Lowe’s for so long that it never quite occurred to me that I haven’t actually watched it.

Weaveworld!!! God, what a book. I still hold out hope that someone will adapt that for the big screen.

I remember Jeff Goldblum gets the idea for the virus when he sees Judd Hirsch, who plays his dad, sneeze.

You’re so dead on. Fonda’s speech about going to a restaurant and being afraid of the prices on the menu — should I get the appetizers? — was so viscerally accurate. And in further Bridget appreciation, how good was she in Singles?  Maybe the acting bug will hit her again and she’ll return.

There may not be crying in baseball, but apparently there is plenty of crying in space.

I was in eighth grade when the shuttle exploded. I was in the library for something else...and watched on a huge TV on a rollaway cart with a few other teachers and librarians.

To be absolutely fair, Seth voices Roger and Stan (and possibly others), and he does fantastic work.

If you haven’t seen AD because of Seth MacFarlane, please do. Like this article states, he hasn’t been involved in ages and the absurd episodes are all gems, like “Rabbit Ears" from a couple of years ago.

The English Patient, because I saw it and loved it and don’t want to see any flaws in a subsequent viewing.