
Sometimes you wonder what it was like to live through horrible times in history as an average person with no power. I guess this is what it’s like.

It seems like they are doing it on purpose at this point, going out of their way to play music by artists they know are anti-Trump, so they can then then play the never-ending victim card that they are being bullied by the Hollywood leftist elite or what have you. 

Blackface is what you get when a white person is lazy and has zero imagination.

“It’s hard to argue that Taylor Swift’s Democratic endorsement is anything other than a net positive.”

“So is Archie just a terrible judge of character?”

What for it....... A SCIENTOLOGIST MAGA supporter.

A Trumpkin who can’t be judged by his prior bad acts because he went after liberals, and they’re not even people.

A MAGA supporter claiming a Trumpkin sexually assaulted her is the perfect story to end 2017 with

The stupidity behind the belief that “Happy Holidays” was some PC liberal creation to undermine Christmas is staggering, even by right wing nut job standards.

We should have known Phaedra ain’t shit when she didn’t know her due date