
Because, in 2016, the vast majority of people underestimated the threat Donald Trump posed and didn’t think he’d seriously become the President.

Black poverty dropped 20-30% during his tenure in South Bend.

he could work at McKinsey trying to lay off workers for his clients

he could work at McKinsey trying to lay off workers for his clients

It depresses me thinking we could have more justices like Sotomayor, but instead we have far right judges instead, and RBG could likely be replaced by one herself. 

He’s a 76 year old white guy. What did people expect?

Holy shit. That must’ve been absolutely terrifying. 

Biden appeals to people that don’t spend a lot of time online. His support is largely over-40 voters and black voters. People have a hard time believing that most Democrats are not “woke activists” or college kids and are just average people that have relatively moderate beliefs.

Given how Kirsten Gillibrand has been shunned from major party donors and the backlash against her campaign, it doesn’t seem like Pete was wrong. Regardless of your opinions of Franken, we should’ve waited for a complete investigation.

She’s talking about progressive members of the House. And she’s not wrong. Most Democrats nationally are not that progressive and it’s reflected in who we elect. 

People believe this relationship is real? Cory Booker always has a “girlfriend” pop up every time he runs for office. It’s all for appearances. 

Exactly. There are PLENTY of black men wronged by the criminal justice system that deserve support. But Bill Cosby is NOT one of them. He is a rapist and a hypocrite. He spent is platform showing disdain for the same community that catapulted him to fame and success. Just because someone is black, does not mean he is

What else is he supposed to say? Of course Obama was horrified (like the rest of sane Americans) when Trump was inaugurated. But he has to be classy by not criticizing his successor.

We all know Obama was probably horrified like most sane Americans, but what else is he supposed to say?

All the Big 10 wanted was the New York/New Jersey TV market. It also helps Big 10 schools recruit in the talent rich New Jersey area. Jabrill Peppers, Rashan Gary, and Kareem Walker are all from NJ. No one cares about the Rutgers Football program. It’s all about the market.

All the Big 10 wanted was the NJ/NY television market. It’s very lucrative. It also helps Big 10 programs get recruiting and exposure in the talent rich NJ area. It’s an overall win for the conference.


Except Google and Snapchat aren’t directly competing with each other. They both operate in different spheres. Unlike Sports, Tech isn’t a zero sum game. There can only be one champion every year in the NBA. To Maximize your chances of winning titles, it’s in your best interest to surround yourself with other great