yo VIP lets kick it

you know shes corrupt... Are you comfortable with Podesta? he FUCKS BABIES!

The ONLY thing people care about is how Corrupt and Crooked Hillary is....seriously. Keep on blaming Donald for being a dude...every dude has SAID similar things.

Do you fuckers really think its something to ignore that a possible President and her NUMBER 1 staffer are into full blown satanic ritual and bodily


tl dr and who gives a shit? adblocker user here, fuck your shitty article crybaby. OH NO VICTIMS!

Gawker alive and well! Gabbi, how you pump out these articles isnt amazing.... Youre not a journalist, and likely in over your head in “free college” loan debt that your girl Hillary will pretend to give a shit about.... Minimum wage time!

it must hurt you to know that NO ONE cares, except a few, you and some....Hillary is crooked and will drive this country into the ground, and probably die, and then we get Kaine...


yet the irish dont seem to have a problem today...theres a lesson to be learned in there.

everyones a sensitive little bitch these days. OHHH POOR ME!!! fuck it, gooks are good at karate and ping pong and math and not so great at driving, all accurate stereotypes.


dont be gay


blows my mind that you trust such a system in a Jeep. Dont die plz.

awesome thank you

license suspension incoming...

the toyota maps in a tacoma is pretty accurate and good. Youre one sour pathetic loser with Vent Visors and fucking blacked out tail lights

we should do a 20 year block of sterilization. the biggest problem in the world is overpopulation.

its like a white trash garage sale

everything you said is basically a troll comment to get people to argue with you.

Good. Shouldnt run from the cops, turning your vehicle into a weapon.