yo VIP lets kick it

You sir, are a fucking idiot. Hope no one you care about ever has an injury that requires some sort of pain management and struggles to get their life back afterwards.

Who are the morons that would flip their vote between Trump and Clinton based on who swung by a couple times to pander and spout platitudes (or, in the case of Trump, random hate speech)?? I get your point but it’s sad.

So which facebook ad told Hillary not to campaign in Wisconsin?

So you agree with an american company giving 11 million dollars towards a terrorist group on american soil that advocates the killing of cops, blames whites for there own problems, and hellbent on promoting and pushing a race war agenda?

Not everyone that actually reads the news to know that there was never a Muslim ban are Trump fans, smart guy. We just know how to read and not distort facts into a racist, pro-fascism, agenda. Hence why you SJWs are the #1 most hated in the US right now. So go back to your liberal arts degrees and protests begging

In other news, how’s it feel knowing Hillary still lost? This has been the most enjoyable few weeks of my life. The left spins and spins chasing their tail. Thanks for the comedy Giz!

Thiel isn’t an employee and political affiliation is not a protected class, so your point is, well, pointless.

It’s not a Muslim ban. You lefties know that but you don’t care.

Only one simple question - why the F**K do we care what some mapping app CEO no one ever heard of has to say on this subject. How does this person have any more credibility than another business man (ie Trump) who say is to stupid to live?

Sadly, I suspect that she tests better with Today Show viewers than the black people did.

I will probably grow tired of saying this:

Isn’t the FHA bleeding money by insuring sub-prime mortgages that default frequently?

I believe I read that this would’ve resulted in owing an average of 500$ less per year. Let’s be honest - if 500 bucks a year is the difference between you being able to afford a mortgage or not, you probably shouldn’t have a mortgage. Too many people in this country continue to purchase more house than they need

Trump said it therefore it must be bad.

This doesn’t seem like a bad thing to me... what am I missing?

Nay. Pence is the real wolf in sheep’s clothing.

What’s going on? I didn’t even read the fucking article but I’ll tell you what’s going on.

Hmmm. And you don’t think any of the things you mentioned would occur with Clinton as president.

Man, it is tough to watch Tim Cook run Apple into the ground. I was a fanboy when it was stupid to be one in the 90s, but I just can’t stomach them pivoting away from operating system innovation to bland, iterative mediocrity. I can’t remember the last time I was genuinely excited about a new Apple project.

The narrative of “Abortion is bad, because my mom could have had an abortion but she didn’t and so I exist!” is terrible enough without being like “See, good things can come out of rape!” while pointing at your own self.