yo VIP lets kick it

another awesome fact. thank you.

you cannot “slim jim” cars that have been built in the last 20 years

bash the window who gives a shit

thank you

yes, and at least 30% of cars on the road host drivers that do not deserve to drive, but thats a different subject (that works itself out slowly)

no citation for civil and humane services is how it should be. The court would throw it out (if you got one, and youd likely pay $60 in court fees to do the right thing, which is absurd)

thank you, i think ive made 10 of the same comments. I get so pissed off when people EXPECT police to do X and X....i will smash a window to save a child or an animal without any thought to the COST, holy shit.

Yo, a fucking window is $150 bucks installed. Deal with it, just like you deal with your $550 lease. This notion of the Police having to “save you money” is absurd.

animal abuse will soon be treated like child abuse, we are close, but not there yet. We are an overpopulated planet, full of people that dont deserve this place.

THANK YOU! the ignorance is beyond 90 percent on this one. Go ahead, get a slim jim people! watch some tutorials, and then go slim jim your 2012 Silverado. Good luck! youll ruin the sash, the window, and possibly the wiring.

many door locks are not mechanical. YEAH LETS SAVE THE FUCKING OWNER $200, who gives a shit?


you cant do that with newer cars, the mechanism in the door is non existant. Smash the window, fuck that owner, its $200 bucks, seriously FUCK the owner.

FUCK that car owner, hopefully she suffers soon.

guess no one wants to pay their dues, or be hungry for more, jesus fucking christ these a-level ball players are 19yo fuck em

it is ugly

put tubby on the bill and change all the other bills once our cash is finally worthless

shes ugly

what? that is the most insane statement ive read recently....Do you have a job and a family? Doubt it...

life is HARD without money to spend!

dads are the gutter of the parenting world in terms of respect and reality, thanks Ladies!