They might have been able to pull HR out of straight-to-disc hell if they had collaborated with Paul Gerrard on Hellraiser: Origins. It looked really promising.
They might have been able to pull HR out of straight-to-disc hell if they had collaborated with Paul Gerrard on Hellraiser: Origins. It looked really promising.
Forget Bannon, people need to start going after the Mercers, obviously, as that group of shitstains are/were financing all of this.
I can’t wait until these tracks invade the actual Olympics and someone wins gold skating to them.
No problem; I know it by heart. My email to Tucker Carlson Tonight read:
The quest to find more prime numbers may seem frivolous, but they hold practical applications as well, such as the generation of public key cryptography algorithms, hash tables, and as random number generators.
I find that, no matter who you are, being mildly-to-awesome to A) look at and/or B) Listen to, and C) Streaming on a consistent schedule, is key. I am neither of those and I stream randomly, so my viewership is near 0 consistently, despite promoting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook on the day/week before I’m…
Very cool stuff. Just imagine, a Beholder PC!
I’m approaching a point in my life where I feel like getting rid of my smartphone entirely. I don’t have any “smart” tech aside from the phone, but this is the last holdout.
True enough. The infection has obviously spread to offline/online media outlets.
Yep, the goalposts keep getting moved back. That’s why sane people are better off just ignoring those psychotics.
While I have no doubt that this is a real thing happening, this could also be playing distraction to make people forget about the net neutrality bs going on, or maybe this idiot has gone full-on Senator McLaughlin, playing with the cartels.
Mindblower: white guy cosplaying as Dave Chapelle’s Clayton Bigsby.
^ Found the Oregonian.
We, the privileged residents of urban and weather-mild Colorado, thank the rest of the country for collectively taking one for the team this year.
The future is too rich for my blood! Let me know when we start getting those sub-$20k long range electrics.
New year; same humanity.
If I had to choose between drivers in Colorado and South Florida drivers for who’s worse, SF would win by a landslide. Colorado road users don’t seem to be nearly in as much of a reckless rush as SF/east coast large city drivers.
I’m totally shipping Poe and BB-8
Or his wife in horror shorts. Should share for scientific inquiry.
Barring a lottery win, I’ll be hanging onto my S7 and Ipad Air 2 for a LONG LONG TIME. If the price tag is more than $0.00, it’s too expensive.