Herr Garbage

I bought this game at first release and enjoyed it a bit, but since I’m more of an interactive story kind of player instead of an achievements oriented kind of player, I eventually found a trainer for it and that’s when the game became really fun.

“ Is she not allowed to have her own opinion? “

Nice opinion piece, “news reporter”.

I can’t even go buy food RIGHT NOW with Bitcoin

That price is disgusting.

First: Nassar is indeed human scum, but he is nowhere near Peter Scully level of scum.

Wake me up when they convert their lineups to electric motored premium vehicles.

I tried it. I found that I’m not fond of it enough to spend much time on it. It’s a grind, like World of Warcraft, and it feels like a job. I already have one of those. I play games to ESCAPE a job.

Now playing

They might have been able to pull HR out of straight-to-disc hell if they had collaborated with Paul Gerrard on Hellraiser: Origins. It looked really promising.

Forget Bannon, people need to start going after the Mercers, obviously, as that group of shitstains are/were financing all of this.

I can’t wait until these tracks invade the actual Olympics and someone wins gold skating to them.

No problem; I know it by heart. My email to Tucker Carlson Tonight read:

I find that, no matter who you are, being mildly-to-awesome to A) look at and/or B) Listen to, and C) Streaming on a consistent schedule, is key. I am neither of those and I stream randomly, so my viewership is near 0 consistently, despite promoting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook on the day/week before I’m

Very cool stuff. Just imagine, a Beholder PC!

Mindblower: white guy cosplaying as Dave Chapelle’s Clayton Bigsby.

^ Found the Oregonian.

The future is too rich for my blood! Let me know when we start getting those sub-$20k long range electrics.

New year; same humanity.

If I had to choose between drivers in Colorado and South Florida drivers for who’s worse, SF would win by a landslide. Colorado road users don’t seem to be nearly in as much of a reckless rush as SF/east coast large city drivers.

I’m totally shipping Poe and BB-8