Herr Garbage

People can call cryptocurrency/bitcoin “not currency” all they want, but if I can use it to buy goods or services, it’s a currency to me. For example, I can take my bitcoins to and buy gift cards which I can then use to buy food/electronics/etc. That is the behavior of a currency to me.

Hmmm...howabout a pair of mobile emitters about the size of a facial mole that can manipulate the light just in front of the user’s physical eyeballs, into images/video/3d overlay/etc? Bone conduction could take care of sound. No clunky, bulky, unsightly tech, and the emitters could be skinned for different

Well written piece. We olds need to learn to proverbially pass the torch. This trilogy is for a new generation of mainstream sci-fi consumer.

Mr. Ley,

XD. Yeah mining’s pretty much a no-go for we the unwashed masses.

You called it. Kermit is next on the Sexual Harrassment hitlist, but who did he harrass is the question? What kind of dirt does some female muppet have on the K?

Jason, Jason, Jason. We’re here for ya, pal. Why don’t you go ahead and point to the place on this doll where flying cars touched you in the bad way? You know you can talk to us about it, it’s OK.

Ya know, maybe cryptocurrency will be the answer for artists who create adult material. Fiat peddlers(paypal, visa, etc) may not want to work with them but nobody seems to have a problem with converting crypto to fiat so far, and once again, we’ll be seeing porn leading the way to innovation. XD

I was not aware of any red spot on Jupiter.

AI superbrains will probably beat us to that answer.

I propose an alternative. Take all social media sites/apps and repurpose them to more reflect what they’re actually designed for: As marketing tools for businesses(any industry) to connect with their customers. I think the issue is that social media outlets have been marketed as something that substitutes for personal

Dumping the stars off the comments section of this whole site would probably be a good start to reversing the damage being done.

They’re adults. What they do with their bodies is their own business. Anyone with any maturity and even half a wit will know not to blame the science for the decisions of those who use it, regulated or not. If anything, I’m chalking this up to Big Pharma’s mouthpieces impotently crowing on their bosses’ behalves much longer until we poors can use cc to locally buy groceries, get gas(cuz we can’t afford those fancy electric cars) or buy bus passes/lyft-uber rides, pay medical bills, and other assorted non-wealthy plebian activities which involve commerce?

I think a good question to ask them is: What protocols are in place for an eminent collision?

It is a testament to the collective labor=value bourgeois mentalities that commenters are equating Purpose with Job/Work/Career/Money.

He’s old now, so he’ll likely be a target in the near future. I haven’t yet heard news of a currently young, conventionally attractive individual being accused of sexual assault.

Yet that mentality contradicts the very design and purpose of the sexes, utilitarian as they ultimately may be, by nature itself.

That’s the best move any guy with fame could make.