You. Yes, you.

There's a second cop sitcom still in production?

Oh cop shows definitely can exist.

It’s beyond idiotic to think a cop sitcom can’t exist now”

Yeah, there’s a technical problem here. You can’t sell a 80$ device that runs Saturn and Dreamcast games properly, and still make a profit.

The Saturn has its charms, but let’s be real; it’s not beloved. It was pretty abysmal and doomed Sega’s long-term plans. The Genesis was Sega’s heyday, and the Dreamcast was its last hurrah. Everything in between (Sega CD, 32X, Saturn) was different flavors of disappointing with small glimmers of hope.

I can attest to this as well.
Game Studio.

That, sadly, is how HR is built in the western world. They are there to keep the company itself safe and when problems arise where something needs to go, they make the decision on which they think would hurt the company less. Hence why you often see people file an HR complaint against senior/leadership/longtime staff

The problem is HR is never your friend, they are only there to protect the company.  Maybe its time to revamp that, HR general for the employees, not company. 

People seem to think that HR’s job is to protect employees, which is sadly not the case. In general, HR’s job is to protect the company (and management) from the employees. 

Capitalism cannot possibly be the problem!

Yes, one thing that I think is important to stress that we know about some of these issues at Ubisoft Toronto because people there have decided to speak up and demand they improve. That doesn’t mean these problems aren’t entrenched in other game studios, just as they’re entrenched across a lot of workplaces outside of

HR is very competent in this scenario, considering their job is protecting management and management seems to have gotten away with a ton.

The thing is, after reading all that about how HR is incompetent and too cosy with management to do their job proper, that people use drinking culture as a promoted perk and as the source of gaining promotion, that victims were encouraged to remain silent is that the only thing that sets Ubisoft Toronto apart from

I’m sure the trolls on this site will be coming to defend Béland with claims of “Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?”.

“To keep people from absolutely hating their lives they give you booze,” she said, and after two years stopped attending many of the studio’s work mixers. “I didn’t want to get drunk anymore, I wanted to get a promotion.”

The first film made $814 million. The second made $654 million. Both are estimated to have cost $200 million to produce + marketing so they aren’t the money printing machines WB wants them to be. Throw in the Ezra Miller scandal and the JKR scandal and even if it just sheds another $100 million that’s starting to look

They are obsessed with that weird bathroom issue too. And it makes no sense. Because, even if it were true that evil cis-men would lie about being transwomen in order to assault women (big “if”), how would their proposed rules prevent it? They insist that transmen would have to use women’s bathrooms. Wouldn’t the

The martyrdom/persecution complex is huge part of TERF-dom. I’m sure Graham Linehan is off somewhere whining (while secretly being pleased) about finally being banned from Twitter for his transphobic douchebaggery.

I’m sure JKR feels she’s the victim here or a martyr, but I think this is what it’s going to take for her to have any consequence for what she says. I really do think that people dropping out of Fantastic Beasts would also force WB to make a more robust statement as well.

First they ban fecal matter and then it’s the Irish. It’s a slippery slope.