You. Yes, you.

It’s not a good use of the victims’ or the author’s time if you’re just thinking about it not being real, but it’s a thing people fell prey to from someone who is somewhat a public figure. It makes sense to report on it.

Especially when the allegedly fake someone appears to have been a sockpuppet used to paint the creator (who has had negative professional consequences from bad allyship) as an ally of women of color. Yes, this is a lot of Twitter drama, but it’s a bit deeper than pretending to have a girlfriend in Canada.

This is me at 1am last night asking the same question. But I will say that someone accused of faking the death of someone employed by a prominent university—a death supposedly caused by the current pandemic and which strongly implicates the university of negligence—is going to be a newsworthy story.  

It’s a good example of not everything that fits your wold view is true, and that we should stop, look around, and investigate everything before we throw tantrums.

Everybody wants to be the “True Hebrews”, especially virulently anti-Semitic groups like Christian Identity.

So therefore the only way they can act is evil. They have to rob, steal, order to survive.

In the age where shitstorms start over a couple of bad taste twitter jokes, the reaction to this cunt’s full-blown antisemitic tirade is waaaaaaaaay too forgiving. Fuck him, fuck Fox and fuck whoever defends him.

Lol this is fucking ridiculous. It wasn’t like he made a Howard Cosell-style flub; he had a whole-ass thesis. He knew exactly what he was saying. You don’t suddenly not become anti-Semitic in the space of 24 hours. He needs to go work in a library or something, not host a national TV show.

Fox condemns all forms of hate directed toward any community and we will combat bigotry of any kind.

The “true Hebrews” thing is what really gets me. He wants to be Jewish so badly? Ok, the next time they start sending trains to Auschwitz, I’m sure Nick Cannon will gladly volunteer himself (more likely, I suspect, if prodded, you’d find out he was a Holocaust denier as well)

He found out the first non-apology wouldn’t cut it, so issued something approaching a real apology. I’m struggling to feel his remorse. Regardless, it’s absolutely on-brand for Fox to not give a shit.

That woman didn’t just “report” the transit worker, she took a picture and tried to publicly shame them for a minor violation of a rule that is routinely violated (it would be the equivalent of reporting a mail truck for going 12 mph over the speed limit). She became a victim of the very thing she tried to weaponize

But she probably wouldn’t have been allowed to rant about her status on 24 hour news networks.

Depends on what they did.

What exactly is your point here? Rich’s description of what happened with Gawker is accurate—I don’t think he’s saying “Gawker would have won the case if only the aggrieved party had been destitute and more powerless,” but Gawker would still exist (notwithstanding they did something arguably actionable) if a

By those who cherish THEIR right to be “immoral.” The rest of us mere non-famous humans need to return to a kneeling silence, waiting breathlessly for the right moments to cheer, gasp in delight, applaud or laugh.

The more I hear about “cancelled people,” the more I think cancel culture should be a thing.


Remember Natasha Tynes, the lady who got “cancelled” because she tried to get an MTA worker fired for eating on the train?

These so-called cancelled people still produce works, yes? And when they open their mouths, they make the news, yes? As far as I know, they can still make money in some other capacity, yes?