You. Yes, you.

I should have known when the HP movies showed up on ABC Family that there was something amiss.

“They’ve done stuff like supporting Hillary Clinton.”

I did actually search “CAH Gives Money Back” first and nothing appeared so who knows why that is.

Yes, actually. You still haven’t addressed my repeated assertion that it’s not particularly compelling or conclusive evidence. Evidence is certainly not the same as proof, but it still has to have some kind of reason for why the person you’re arguing with should accept it as evidence for your assertion, or be

Why do I get the feeling even with the abuse that has been reported that the edgy libertarian slant that the company leadership gives off will lead them to try and stall on this.

What the fuck is a hyphenated gender?

Because you’re an asshole who doesn’t give a shit about trans people?

Yeah, denying humanity to groups of people goes well beyond a simple “difference of opinion,” and to reduce it to that is dangerously stupid.

Nice try, but I’m not speaking for anyone nor “not letting you” do anything. I’m just disagreeing with your interpretation of her words and offering my own. And I suspect you know that, but simply don’t have an argument against my interpretation, so are just trying to change the goalposts and claim the high ground by

I think the problem is you’re assuming she turned into this. This isn’t some overnight thing where she woke up transphobic.

Racism is an opinion, are you saying racism doesn’t cause any problems in society? Racism hasn’t caused the deaths of minorities? Transphobia is not some harmless opinion. At best its just misguided and ignorant, but at worst it is hate, the same as racism.

She might not by lying about feeling those things, but that’s not her admitting she’s trans either, whether consciously or subconsciously. What she’s saying there is that when she was a young woman she was so immensely frustrated and angered by the pressures that society places on young women that she would have

“I think almonds taste bad” is an opinion I don’t agree with. “I think the Twilight film are good” is an opinion I don’t agree with. Objecting to recognizing the humanity of other people is not an opinion - it’s hate speech. And if you can’t tell the difference, then that says far more about you than it does about anyo

You can always find another job. You can’t bring back from the dead a trans woman murdered by someone inspired by the hate speech of people like Rowling.

I don’t think there’s any actual way to quantify that. How do you measure the pain and sense of betrayal that a trans Harry Potter fan feels knowing the author of the series hates them?

Doing good for one group of people does not undo harm done to another.

They do. The particular charity they donate to, though, depends on how much good reporting they want to get from the media. I mean, you have noticed you only ever hear about these donations when they -want- you to hear about it, right?

Indulgences and tax breaks.

You can frame it as only an opinion, but hate speech has consequences. Already it’s been used as justification to prevent protection to trans people in the states and the UK. Already it’s caused an uptick in hate towards trans people online and in real life. You’re worried about people having to move from one game to