
Nobody is hurt in the literal sense, no. But for all those folks saying “Anime is for everyone” we have another saying “anime is in no small part about perving on kids, get over it”.

Generally rape and murder are lampshaded to be bad things the protagonists have to work against and there is great reluctance to engage in murder at all. Even in DC comics properties The Flash and Gotham, one of the biggest personal hurdles for both protagonists is killing people for the greater good and the principle

I think there are a few parts there:

Can I quote this when I say that 20% of anime (and fans) causes 80% of the problems?

I’ll shame them for metastasizing anime instead. Done deal.

It is and it isn’t preposterous. When I was at my worst gambling I lost enough money to put an engagement ring I was saving up for at risk and had to downsize. The thing that stuck with my wife wasn’t the cost of the ring but

Everything is a personal problem until it becomes an aggregate problem of society with enough persons having that problem.

Also, FWIW, the fact that its minors is the fuel that drives the engine for me to comment on it at all - if it was something sexual but relatively mundane like giant penis bulges on every male character I’d be weirded out by the pervasiveness of it but I wouldn’t feel the need to point out the why of the weirdness and

I’m glad I was born to someone and have met a few people along the way that did save me from myself by calling me out on my addictive and impulsive behavior related to gambling. Not everyone is beyond redemption or change and support is a factor there, not just sheer grit and willpower.

If was just about personal discomfort this wouldn’t eat as me as much

Well that’s the rub: Some did consider those civil rights trivial because they already had them and they didnt want the ‘other’ getting them.

Batman Animated Series and it rubbed me wrong as an 11 year old.

Well here’s the thing about that:

You don’t know if you have actual rapists or not in your senate or similar body. That’s the wild thing about the current events in the US - a light is being put on all the bad deeds and bad people that currently ‘represent’ us in our government and it drives some of us wild.

So we should take this as an admission you’re attracted to kids because you invoked an equivalency to fucking sheep?

For most english speakers on an english based website...

So because everything is shitty from where you sit, you want to eat your shit in peace?

Except shows on HBO by virtue of being on HBO are likely to contain stuff that rubs people’s sensibilities the wrong way. There is a built in filtering system by the means of distribution for TV shows that partially informs viewers on what to expect. It’s even explicit in shows like Law and Order: SVU - you know it’s

Bingo - and to dedicate a significant amount of time mining through shit to find the true gems, especially when the shit feels deeply wrong to me...

How do you know ahead of time whether an anime revolves around fan service or not? Oh, you have to be confronted with it out of the blue and then stop watching?