
I’m gonna burn that shit if I see it.

Maybe to rubes

Seriously do this folks, it is amazing. A nice seafood soup with a super flavorful broth is a bit heavenly.

Yeah, if anyone who has watched South Park all these years sees Cartman as a protagonist and not ceaseless hurdle the rest of the characters must overcome to resolve their story arcs, they’re fucking idiots.

And lest you invoke the 31-0 playoff loss against him, I’m pretty sure Urbz owns that and it’s seared into his mind. Here’s hoping the Buckeyes make fools of everyone before stepping on their dick again.

I thought you were doing an A/B comparison, I didn’t realize you loathe all sportsball equally.

I don’t watch soccer cause it’s a lesser version of hockey but have fun watching Bortles, for real. I mean, I love football as much as any American hump but doesn’t make me blind to obvious problems in the sport.

Preach it man. This is the thread that I keep pulling at with other white people and I’ll keep pulling at it. You can’t hide your racism behind ceaseless apologetics.

Have fun with your 4 hours of Bortles, I guess.

Nobody wants to watch youth soccer, sure. But it’s basically hockey with more players and a larger field. Simply being ignorant of how soccer works isn’t enough of a roadblock to pick it up and enjoy it.

10 good QBs wouldn’t be so glaring if OCs and HCs and GMs didn’t have it completely backwards with QBs - rely on those that can handle the load, distribute the load around when they can’t.

Regionally maybe.

This only raises more questions though like

The NFL as a league is the predator. You aren’t getting profit distributions for being a shareholder.

I just never made the transition to the Mariners from the A’s when I moved up. Love going to SafeCo to take a game in but actually caring about their fortunes? Nah, leave that to the masochists.

I guess I’m the exception to the rule then since I live on Capitol Hill and am a little more interested than just generally aware. Also in regard to what Jon and you were saying, that’s not unique to the Seahawks and thus why I didn’t get it.

You shouldn’t be. The fucking moss backs never miss an opportunity to bring up their sports misery of almosts to bolster their bonafide fans credentials. And when that breaks down they go nuts and talk about the Mariners folly and the Sonics being stolen.

That’s dumb.

Why should they be called that? Are you confusing them with the 49ers?
