
I do have an issue with charlatans.

Japan sounds like a real downer, tbh.

And there’s a visceral thrill in watching these fuckups be fuckups despite every opportunity to not be.

So Overwatch is basically TF2?

What can I say, there are some seriously deluded leftists who idealize something they have no familiarity with. Or are quislings like Jill Stein.

Your presence outside of Russia is all the explanation anyone needs.

I don’t see why you should either but honestly, I’ve had a lifetime of vicarious bedwetting about hypothetical leftist backlash.

What’s the left going to do to you? Be impolite?

You know who is going to get mowed down by fascist machine guns? These people.

Ignore the snow at your own peril, I guess.

I always wonder if some of this chef worship is directly related to people divorcing themselves from learning how to cook for themselves.

Doesn’t seem to be related in this case - 1976 founded record label in the UK, probably without any awareness of the lingo and probably referring specifically to trading records.

Obviously the answer is to do something that will cause the bully to punch everyone but you in the face.

Low hanging, outrageous attention grabbing fruit. Seriously, this fruit has gams that would make you shutter.

Wow, a nascent child-like grasp of relationships? NO WAY!

Right? If I can’t tell your fanfic from the Aristocrats you’re doing it poorly.

What makes a person ship video game characters in such a way? Existential emptiness?

Good, more clams for me.

You call it fucked up, I call it dinner.

Ha! Truth.