
I like the brevity of my method a smidgen more.

I’m so relieved that Russia’s commitment to bad people remains a century intact tradition.

“That’s all you got?”


How bout you mosey on down to the VFW and interact with some vets who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and tell me bout that drone warfare.

Since his season ended, Soules, who owns a farm in Iowa, has branded himself as a spokesman for America’s farmers who “hopes to encourage youth and young adults to pursue a career in the industry,”

“Discuss it now or drop dead, numb nuts”

“But if you so much as think about relationships, you’re no good to us. Even in the context of reading articles like ‘Dr. Nerdlove’, you’re failing your team.”

Marconi is still on the hook for Father Charles Coughlin?

When you pull a Stone Cold Stunner on the goalie like that Wild player did over the weekend.

The more I think about it though, how much does MVP matter if the rest of the team is hapless? Not saying Harden should win it but I certainly don’t think being the most integral player on a team that actively nuked the rest of the team makes you a shoe-in MVP.

I think that system can work great if your frugality is a function of internal restraint, not numbers on paper or screen telling you “no”.

With his editor, hopefully.

I bet it’s even more pernicious than the whole ‘league’ double standard - is he actually willing to engage a potential partner as an interesting person with their own desires, hobbies, tastes, and enjoy exploring all those and more together? What does he want or expect out of relationships?

The way he talks about money is gauche to people with money.

I used homely because it’s universal. And even homely people find dates so it’s not nearly the impediment people would believe but is still a perceived impediment.

Do X to be noticed by people who value X.

Right off the bat? They’re amusing. More so than the LW.

I’ll tell you why. The same lonely, nerdy, socially-awkward guys who write in will also bend over backwards to avoid actually changing self defeating aspects of themselves and rest on the laurels of “hey, I asked for advice but I’m not going to change who I am.”

That’s exactly what 3 accounts is for: