
The amount of things you can’t even appreciate as a child...

By the same token though, if you have a job where you’ve accrued 6 months worth of vacation, what utility is there in long summer vacations? I’m working 4 days weeks every other week and taking 3 week vacations to burn through my days so I keep accruing them.

Better start plowing money into that brain upload technology.

This comment just makes me feel like you and others are adulting wrong.

And everyone I know who makes less than me (50k in a 80k median area) is miserable because they don’t have enough money OR job security.

But you can use it to make every minute more interesting if you have the initiative.

Everything I love about being alive is enabled by being an adult.

Rising taxes?

I knoooooooooooow MUAHAHAHHAHA MUAHAHAHHAHA *little henchman side creature starts laughing*

My wife has always known she never wanted children and I was ambivalent. I could see myself being a father just as easily as not and love going through cost benefit analysis for everything. Haven’t regretted a single day without a child.

It’s not entirely irrational - not until the utility of a children was slapped down and the biggest benefit was satisfying a biological imperative of parents to procreate in addition to being entertaining at times. Back when you could harness the labor of your children, the benefits column penciled out a bit more

That as well. It just seems like the incentives to have a child at this moment in time aren’t penciling out for people at the margins. A large portion of people will always want to have children but the personal costs are more in your face now than ever while the benefits of a child haven’t moved an inch.

I will be supremely interested if facing the reality of parenthood coupled with the seeming non stop blitz that “dating sucks forever” will have an appreciable impact on birthrates down the road.

Why not tell him this? It’ll feel great.

Hows this for an excuse “You’re not worth my time if you are going to act like such a shithead by grabbing me”. How important is this turd?

The ‘too chickenshit to actually go out and meet people’ thing is universal.

There’s a few things going on

+1 Tom Cable Uppercut

Bank of America

What are the consequences for Will not doing this? Nothing? Bad Press? How will the Monarchy persist?