
What area of the country do you live in?

And I’m confident that if you did this again in 6 months and filtered out any repeat emails, you’d have 100 more and different former and current employees to confirm much of what you observed.

To some degree, yes, Jason solicited the opinions of people who would confirm the underlying idea that Gamestop is a crappy employer and engages in unethical behavior. On the other hand it’s not the same 100 people that pop up every time there is a call to dish the dirt on Gamestop.

To an extent, yes. But businesses make errors that aren’t immediate death sentences and the vision of chasing down profits with high margin doodads is a limited one. Based on everything I’ve read with Gamestop and my experience in musical instrument retail, corporate chases margins and has inventory preference for

I’d have gotten a labor lawyer involved with the paycheck issue.

The pride thing is especially egregious because theyve set up the sales process to be the least dignified thing ever. Employees of all stripes show as much pride in their work as they’re rewarded for.

If some small percentage of employees did this, yes you could chalk it up to individual bad actors. When its a pervasive thing, its the outcome of managerial malfeasance.

The king and dukes are insulated from the actions of counts and barons.

Go fuck yourself kid.

China is useful to us but not perfect. Russia is borderline useless in the world economy and like a pesky little cousin who wants to prove he’s a big boy.

Bullshit grandstanding.

And still somehow less gross than shit or vomit going down your gullet.

Can it be more anti-fascist than celebrity, at least until Trump is out?

Would your GF prefer you ejaculate in her mouth or shit in it?

Or at the very least afraid of not disliking it as much as their SOs seem to.

You’d rather swallow a teaspoon of shit or vomit than a teaspoon of someone else’s semen? Are you handing out glittering prizes to those who suck you off to completion?

Hold on to your bread butts folks. You can make great bread crumbs for other dishes with them.

The only reason to join the military is to understand the tactics used by the military so you have insight on how to make them turning on the American citizenry as deadly and distasteful as possible.

Get a smaller apartment so said hampers are within arm’s reach.

There’s ways around that - use multiple hampers - one for clean clothes you just take out of the laundry and one for dirty clothes you create. I may be a slob but I have organizational systems.