The ridiculous part about Epstein is that, whenever someone brings him and Trump up, some Trump-supporting chudfuck has to turn it around and remind people that Bill Clinton was also an acquaintance/friend.
The ridiculous part about Epstein is that, whenever someone brings him and Trump up, some Trump-supporting chudfuck has to turn it around and remind people that Bill Clinton was also an acquaintance/friend.
“This verdict is written on a napkin.. and it still says guilty... And guilty is spelled wrong!”
“Damnit, I knew I shouldn’t have retained my P.F. Chang’s server as legal counsel. You’d think a guy with this haircut would have better judgment.”
Seeing how Mack and Amari Cooper are thriving in new locations should be enough to get Gruden indicted for fraud and/or grand larceny.
next week, direct snap to Hicks
This is like the “You are not the father” Maury Povich segments.
Couldn’t Carter technically run again?
We need a mandatory retirement age from politics. Seriously. Jesus name we keep enslaved. Amen.
Right? I read this
I’m a Jew and every time I see someone like this shitbird, all I can think is “how is it possible that they think they are genetically superior to Bar Refaeli?” As a separate issue, I grew up in Ohio and despite looking super semitic, guys like this hit on me ALL. THE. TIME. I have to slightly suspect they’re mad that…
“Can someone, anyone speak about the existential dilemma of seeing yourself in one way for the next 30 years and how ridiculous it is from a rapper perspective. Even Ice T played a cop man!”
KRS-1? Good lord, why not Sista Souljah then? Anything recent?
My point wasn’t that women and Britney Spears won’t face consequences or there isn’t sexism. My point was that the entire White race won’t be judged based on her actions. White people enjoy the privilege of individualism, whereas rappers become the stereotype of Black America.
One, people change all the time, and in all sorts of directions. Acknowledging how something meant to you then, and how it’s different now is just acknowledging that you’re human.
I would agree with that back in the NWA, Biggie, Tupac, etc. days but when there are so many obviously manufactured rappers, I can’t take the “my story told by me” defense seriously. Future and Lil’ Wayne are probably the closest to being real in that they make drug music and obviously do hella drugs but then again…
I don’t automatically expect rappers to suddenly become uber-conscious or sanctimonious exemplars overnight, but I think it’s perfectly reasonable to see them evolving. Given how complex our history is and how Hip Hop has always been about “being real” - which has turned into a gimmick lately with all of these stunts…
Rappin’ is a young man’s sport. Hip-hop is protest music. A young protester doesn’t have the same sensibility as an old problem solver. Any expectation that he does is a fallacious assumption on everyone’s part. The streets are a vulgar place devoid of society’s niceties; any person who represents that aspect of…