
I view sex workers as actual humans, just in a very precarious and perilous profession that sadly depends on 3rd party carriage of advertisement of services to work better than street walking. I’ve even done sex work myself when I was younger although I never tried to leverage it as a career or saw myself ever rising

my horse puns care not for your pedantry, my mane. 

I think that there is a larger point to explore about how digital domains are experienced by users, both sellers and buyers of anything. It does seem quite different than previous communicative innovations to view 3rd party carriage as a ‘home base’ and something you can depend on to be existent. If I were to form an

I’d only hate you in real life if you acted like Clippy, poking my glasses, asking me “Did you intend to say most instead of all for this sentiment? It would be more accurate”.

You’ll pry my horse puns from my cold dead hands. 

Using this specific thing as your launch point on women doing too much emotional labor across every human society just doesn’t work for a lot of the people writing back to you, obviously.

I’m just imagining them stitched together for some hilarious hijinks - The Model and the Dictator

Palanquins or bust!

I guess? I mean, is ‘show me how to do something you like, neigh, love?’ not how people date anymore? ;)

1. What are the problems with Steam and Valve from a consumer standpoint. I’ve seen that user forums are seen as both integral and a blight. As someone with more hours logged on games than I care to admit, I think I’ve only used the steam forums a handful of times over the Dev’s own forum to ask questions and

Change doesn’t mean extinction though. I think there is a distinction to be made between “the end is nigh for Valve” and “the space that Valve operates will change”

I do chuckle at the notion that humans are so bad at being human they can’t handle a game where the importance of human on human interaction is integral to the experience.

You must not live in the PNW ;)

I always like to use the scale of the US to illustrate when something is an individual problem or a societal problem - if 10 Million people out of ~350 Million are susceptible to the same issues with a paradigm shift maybe its no biggie from a remediation perspective. If 150 Million out of 350 Million are, then

OMG, my building has remarkably similar if not identical mailboxes to the one in the stock shot for the article.

I’m an octogenarian on a fixed income living in the Pacific Northwest - is this safe for me?

But see, this is one of those things where there are different standards for different employers. If you think of the NFL as a sports business like you think of Sysco as a food supplier business or Cisco as a network hardware business rather than an entertainment business it doesn’t add up. Why should sports teams be

Well if you’re a famous labor participant, you walk away, cool off, and endeavor to not be put in a position like that again.

To follow up on my previous post another way this conversation seems to have gone:

Yeah, it’s not extra super salacious that they’re using a different medium to chase down potential recruits. It might be to sheltered game babies, but not to most people who have some experience with stuff not gaming related.