
Someone isn’t a hypocrite if they are actively working with the systems of government to reduce the harm they see and even contribute to.

See, this is so dim witted and stunted -

I supported legalization efforts in Washington State and also have a dim view on the military’s status in society and how it’s used as a political tool. What am I doing wrong exactly here as a citizen?

I don’t think guy in question has any problem taking ownership of misadventures as a US Citizen because he’s also taken some agency in saying we do bad things with the military and maybe should stop. It’s one thing to say “hey, we all contribute to a problem” and another to add on “and here’s how we can make for less

I mean, anything that keeps the war machine in running order does bear some culpability in what that war machine does...

I was thinking of all the different games you could saunter into the military with and baffle them. “So you really like Myst and Riven...”

“Okay, for you nerds that like Factorio and Minecraft you’re going into logistics and engineering roles. Here is a box of Legos to play with while we hunt down a PC capable of running either.”

I would like to purchase the last one for my Art Deco trip to the Moon.

Doesn’t seem that fun TBH. I like gaming as much as the next 34 year old man raised on ‘em but if I had to play games and be gaming adjacent for 6-8 hours a day...I’d lose my mind.

The nerds at kotaku don’t even know which anime she’s supposed to be from here!

For me, the last ‘networking’ event I went to was for our CRM vendor at their annual meeting. For us, it wasn’t just an opportunity to meet and party with our peers across the country (which I did and had a blast doing), I got a lot of good ideas on how we could do things differently at our organization and realized

Accountants are so dichotomous - the hardest partiers and least hard partiers have both been accountants in my office. One of my good friends worked at E&Y and cooping up a bunch of mid 20 somethings in a cube farm definitely cultivated some party hard ethos in them. I love it!

God you are such an engineer, both good and bad - never run into something you couldn’t help but see a fix for ;)

I hear ya and am in IT admin myself and haven’t spent nearly as much time as I could on networking but...


I want no fewer than 5 Gritty ‘drop ins’ during the awards.

Being a resident this gets me every time.

I wanna hear more about 2000s fashion being the best. I’m more stuck on Art Deco and revivals myself but always interested in the why of opinions.

Wow, that was my first thought - out of shape CRX!

So ummm, the Mariners will never change?