
Margary was just some jamoke they pulled out of the crowd to run the damn thing. He was as surprised as you were ;)

Would we have gym rats if some portion didn’t?

I think the trick is getting him to see that being proactive in some of these tasks is ‘his’ task. You gotta drop it on him like you’re a sage monk revealing the simplest but most earth rocking insight. 

Oh My God, this is my wife’s cousin and her husband - basically they were both lawyers, he cajoled her into having a kid late in life (and women on that side of the family consistently cede to the whims of their male partners no matter how tough they are in any realm outside of their partnership.) and now she’s back

Duluth Trading already does, right?

Charity is hush money that the rich give so we serfs don’t ask too many questions.

I too, have a much stronger backbone after the cheque clears. 

No doubt this dynamic is in play. I was like this with one girlfriend in my early 20s where I was like “I can never possibly rise to this standard where housework seems like an enjoyable hobby, so why bother”. But with my wife, while she likes chores about as much as I do which isn’t very much, she loves explaining

I think there is some sort of gap where some demographic of men don’t see that effort is the baseline of what you can give. Or that not being good at something is a poor excuse to avoid doing something. And it’s like a rebuttal to life experience or something, like

“Still, based on the mommy groups I am in, there is some deep, deep control issues regarding women and their households. Just b/c he doesn’t do it when or how you want him to, doesn’t mean he’s not doing anything.”

Darn, I guess I’ll have to tell my wife that someone on Kinja found me out and in fact I don’t care about her back problems. And her 10 years of having sex with me were all a provoked by the long ruse I planned. Ya got me! This millstone of shame is too much - goodbye cruel world!

I mean there’s also a gulf between platonic love, romantic love, parental/guardian love. Like if people don’t validate you in the way you want to be that might rankle you some regardless of what exactly you’re looking for and not getting.

Haha, omg, same. I see bigger than a C cup and instantly my emotion isn’t one of arousal, it’s “oh lord, I hope her back is okay. Those boobs seem like no joke to manage”.

“Sorry I’m a man” should be in like every book at some point. Almost like using a classic sound effect as homage to film history. 

I’m on the other side of the coin - my wife likes to be awoken with arousal, one of her big turn ons. Meanwhile I’m over here fretting about consent and being creepy and then in fact being creepy as i deliberate for 10 minutes at the foot of the bed if today is the ‘right’ day to wake her up with kisses and touches

The only way I can wrap my head around it in a generous way is it’s an empathetic gesture to establish we all have flaws and in spite of those we like to bang. That is as generous as I’ll get today though cause literally every other thing I could think of was terrible and bad and awful.

How most men should write about sex:

I’m probably just a hair below being as curious as Entrapta and I don’t see it as anti-curiosity. The problem isn’t curioisity per se, it’s how functionally useless that curiosity is if it actively makes the lives of people around it worse because the curious refuse to recognize them as human.

It’s a tongue in cheek joke about how fans of soccer in general (but especially Portugal and Portuguese speaking countries) view the game itself as “The Beautiful Game”.

Bud Light wants you to root for a low brow tyrant.