
Predatory in this case would be the following:

To some extent, yes, I do believe that while not all loot box schemas are the same, some are inherently worse than others and those are worth examining.

But see, there are distinctions in play here.

Maybe they should? I mean, you dangle that question out there like it’s a killshot but maybe it’s a conversation worth having especially in regards to the difference between digital and hard products.

Michael, don’t ever stop writing. Hilarious!

And then you fapped to this 5 panel?

If you find Bow annoying, the show isn’t really for you. If you find him hilariously ridiculous, the show is for you.

Not a Brigitte Neilsen fan I take it?


I’d be fine with a standalone He-Man. I don’t need those two crapping up a perfectly fine story world with themselves.

Maybe you wanna see a boy cause it engorges your gonads that much more?

You can be strong as long as you’re 8 feet tall wasn’t your first thought?

I am loving this cheesy corn so much.

Madam Razz in the OG...I’m conflicted. On the one hand I like having a stand in of one of my Aunts on a show. On the other hand I am annoyed by that Aunt.

I generally agree with this but...this show surpassed the source material and basically makes it so I would be very happy if I had never even known about the original.


“This would make sense if it used some modern 21st century social thinking thing”

I am forever thankful that animation aesthetics are ancillary to most of my cartoon enjoyment. Sounds rough for ya!