
Are we to believe those ribs are so heavy or the stone wheel clad car too light to tip like this? ;)

That surely outweighs the stock buy backs and job cuts...

Agreed although I think they shield spokes people from cranks like us in the audience tests. Like has there ever been a good spokesperson for cars or mobile networks? No, but they keep trotting them out there in front of me anyway.

I was with you until the spouse analogy. Like, a stray thought about what life would be like without your spouse isn’t the same as being like “Dance for me monkey, dance! I have the power of knowing I could leave you at any moment and it would RUIN YOU!”

But was the salesperson a square dude? I mean, the dealership likely entails more than just the structure its located in, if you aren’t reading too literally .

But I opened the tabs before lurking here!

Dude, that’s half of why I like it. Yes, I do want to know how pudgy Pudge Rodriguez is. 

But this almost feels prudish compared to what I CAN see. 

Any insight on how digital ad buying on Hulu etc differs from OTA and Cable ad buys?

Why does this strike me as almost prudish given what else I can get into on the internet? I’m gonna need to see no less than two cocks and some jizz before I’m scandalized by the direction SI is going.

Beautiful game you got there. 


Even if the DNC screwed up royally, which fair, the options were not great (Bernie Sanders was only a better candidate in that he didn’t have 25+ years of personal propaganda thrown his way. Only way.) and given the option between a disaster in the white house and an unlikable bitch with experience...

So you’re a blank slate that can be wooed? While the face eating leopard pride approaches? I don’t need to woo you, I need you too hoof it the hell out of there using whatever sense you have left.

When are politicians going to realize that while corporations are leopards that will eat your face whenever they can.

One of the most striking things to me about just how uneven the footing is between working in Seattle in IT and working for an auto manufacturer anywhere is that I could probably get hired to a new job by lunch if my company folded in the morning. Where do you go and what do you do as a displaced automaker employee?

Talk about threading a needle!

The most elastic marketing person would be like “what besides a Cadillac can unite the past, present and future”

Half the audience wasn’t even born then though...

I hear ya man - it is annoying as hell to have IPAs dominate the 6 pack selection and taps at bars. A bar doesn’t need 50% IPAs on tap, does it? Well in WA it does...