I say go even further. Give each team a set number of drives per ‘game’. Gawdy scores no more - you get 4 drives per game and the % you convert into points is where the game hangs in the balance .
I say go even further. Give each team a set number of drives per ‘game’. Gawdy scores no more - you get 4 drives per game and the % you convert into points is where the game hangs in the balance .
Part of the problem is that so many of the coaches currently in the NFL subvert the notion of parity by being Football Guy dinosaurs chasing after outdated platonic ideals. Yes there are talent disparities in the NFL still but I can’t believe for a moment that Trubiski would flourish like he is this season with half…
Sometimes in a game, the rules change to enhance that which you were already doing.
Just play over the line if this is where we’re going.
It’s easy to respect a shutdown pitcher for making the other team look like fools, but it’s such an individual effort that stymies the individual effort of 9 opposing players - that’s at least part of why I don’t love great pitching in aggregate although I respect the individual performances. I don’t want to see an…
This also raises another question - where is the line between good defense and incompetent offense? Like, if I see a 9-6 box score, I think the more plausible scenario of how the game unfolded is rank incompetence from both offenses, not defenses making inspired play after inspired play.
They’re not the worst defenses in the league historically or relative to this season. They’re both below average to bad defenses relative to their peers this season, both going against two of the best offenses this season that seem to be more than mere historical footnote.
You want less drives per game then?
Can’t wait for this to be over so you move on to another story.
They falsified the premise SPG laid out. As bananas as it seems, it’s almost like you’d be more comfortable with this if they said well beforehand “We just want to show other white people that white people are incredulous racists deep down.” You don’t like the window dressing - why burn the house down?
Totally. The difficult thing with this particular letter is that to some extent the guys perception seems so baked in that it seemingly presents an impediment towards getting out of his own head. It’s difficult to walk the line of helping someone break out of a self defeating thought process without confronting and…
Projecting your own misanthropy onto other people, naturally.
At a certain level yes, absolutely. But this guy doesn’t seem to be at that level where he’s in poverty. He’s pining for more than his current comfort level because of all the things it will seemingly do for his sense of self. And you know there are people who climb to the apex of ‘the life’ and are miserable for it…
Is part of your mental illness communicating in the least generous and most abrasive way possible?
Yes and no - having a lump sum fall on your doorstep would solve immediate problems with money if you had less of it. Going through the process to acquire a huge amount of money at your disposal at all times comes with its own set of problems though by the very nature of the process to get it.
He’s Mac?
For those that use nicotine to self medicate...it makes complete and utter sense though. That’s one of the fascinating things about addiction though - self medicating marginalizes over time and all you have left is the addiction.
Ha! My wife also caught the Supergirl thing and it bugged her.
This new villian is like a dime store mashup of Jigsaw and Samara. With a little bit of Third World thrown in
You seem butthurt at having to explain something that seems pretty unexplainable in the way you explained it - maybe you should take a few deep breaths before having to flesh out what is so obvious to you and only you?