
Sure dude wasn’t Bilbo himself?

So my wife always grudgingly goes to these no matter how tangential the relationship back to her is. She just can’t turn down an invite. So she get’s an invite to one and I’m like “Oh you’ll have a good time, there will be food and booze and some of your close friends and all that good stuff”.

That’s the thing of it though isn’t it? People totally unfamiliar with eroticism by virtue of their religious fervor would somehow be able to make an erotic game out of abstinence? Maybe it IS erotic to them but cloying and tiresome to someone not aligned that way.

Let’s talk about consent and boundaries and what we imagine the sex we want to sex to be like. I think it involves you peeing in my vagina, right?”

What? You don’t have to have sex, not even once, to know what you do and don’t like in regard to sex? Gonna have to explain this one for us. Like how do you form an opinion about touch stimulus absent ever having it?

Ducksauce or Duckman?

Kyle Harris from Stitchers? That show was not good but my wife and I totally had a blast pretending his character on Stitchers was an alt universe Dennis.

Oh, no doubt there should be recourse for the franchise owners, it’s just that legal remedies are a bit tighter to thread through the needle because of the specifics of any franchise agreement.

My Peoples!

Well then, you better talk to the people who agree with you on trans being a mental pathology in need of correction and who use all manner of awfulness to correct since you seem more on that side of the pitch.

Cartman is the character they use to flesh out ‘how not to be’. If someone can’t see that at this point...well...fuck em

What sane person would come out to their imprisoned father through an choreographed number at the lockup? To the adoration of fellow inmates and Frank? Like, they tick that box you explicitly lay out and you are like “nah, not like that!”.

That seems like your super invested and overwrought sense of world crashing down more than them making a statement. 

Mac has played the straight man on at least one occasion obtusely not understanding ‘the implication’.

“Serious Character Work”

The characters are divine inspiration for these folks, not lampoons of truly awful people we normals chortle at. 

10:30 PM.

It’s not even the cool Chad Johnson. Ocho Cinco baby!

What if you pleaded down to a misdemeanor in fantasy court?

Big Johnson T shirts making a comeback though.