
Well then, you better talk to the people who agree with you on trans being a mental pathology in need of correction and who use all manner of awfulness to correct since you seem more on that side of the pitch.

Cartman is the character they use to flesh out ‘how not to be’. If someone can’t see that at this point...well...fuck em

What sane person would come out to their imprisoned father through an choreographed number at the lockup? To the adoration of fellow inmates and Frank? Like, they tick that box you explicitly lay out and you are like “nah, not like that!”.

That seems like your super invested and overwrought sense of world crashing down more than them making a statement. 

Mac has played the straight man on at least one occasion obtusely not understanding ‘the implication’.

“Serious Character Work”

The characters are divine inspiration for these folks, not lampoons of truly awful people we normals chortle at. 

10:30 PM.

It’s not even the cool Chad Johnson. Ocho Cinco baby!

What if you pleaded down to a misdemeanor in fantasy court?

Big Johnson T shirts making a comeback though. 

Perfect Comment/Username harmony. 

Perfect Comment/Username harmony. 

It’s the entire point of allowing franchises from the corporate perspective. You don’t absorb all the risk of your corporate decisions below a certain level in the chain.

It’s a question that doesn’t need a definitive answer in the now and can be figured out over time. 

I can’t see the leap you’re making based on a 5 minutes of sincerity among the vast hours of everything else the show has done. That you’re preparing to retroactively adjust everything you think about the show because of this scene and what you anticipate the future to hold?

You’re right, I used the wrong word there. But because of that reinforced absurdism, I don’t see how a sincere dance number falls outside of the absurdist realm given the context of it within the show’s universe.

That’s what I don’t get about some of these reactions. The show is like an octopus and will contort into whatever shape it needs to, to deliver the punch it wants to.

After having watched way too much Gotham, I think I can handle any sort of tonal inconsistency in any other show.

To me, surrealism is the defining characteristic of the show to a large extent. And a tightly choreographed dance routine to come out to your father in prison? Check.