
This is a situation where I struggle with empathy for Lisa because while it must have been terrible to go through all of this, it was also defiantly dangerous and I am waiting for some admission that she made a terribly haphazard choice, regrets it and owns it. Like empathy shouldn’t really be contingent but where the

I think maturity is an aspect of it insomuch that people with immature desires think that milestones that most of humanity has engaged in at some point has to be uniquely perfect to validate their own persondom.

Man, must be a bitch to have your primal instinct be “baby killer”

What a beautiful game.

Post Alien Coitus. 

Like Real Estate agents and lenders circa 2006 telling anyone who could fog a mirror (and even some who couldn’t) they were perfect candidates for a 5/1 ARM

Also true in Tennis

What in the world does birthing have to do with not cloning Matt Berry so he can be in everything? That is the deepest wound on earth. No Matt Berry Clones. 

Might I talk to you for a moment about the virtue of adoption...

Apparently you can put a price on a child’s life.

I know this will send me to the deepest pits of hell for saying it but...

I wish that’s how it worked but really what it does is set up self glorifying tribes.

If you could ask a person if they’re into sports and then ask them to explain why they are or are not, you could probably find out a lot about them.

The worst part about Myers Brigg is that there isn’t the option for other people to evaluate you. That and people seeking to validate what they believe about themselves and resting on the results of the test to claim that’s their immutable personality. And then creating some mythos about their results that are just

Like with most people, you wish they’d just focus on their talents and keep the game going instead of falling in love with their persona more than their talent.

You’re obviously not cut out for the West Coast.

Exactly. They achieved the dream of *checks notes* B list reality TV fame.

So what dreams are these people chasing that they haven’t already accomplished?

Today, Brawl players became sports fans.

For the secure man, like water off a duck’s back.