
Nah, makes em bad people.

Also known as “Welcome to France”

Look at you...being all edgy with Eli and not going with Joe Flacco.

It’s almost like you’re lamenting why he became a corporate pilot in the first place. Sounds like a sweet gig if you can swing it.

I can’t drink 2 beers in a bathrub in under 30 minutes, nor would I want to.

I remember when Jessica and Elizabeth were a ‘perfect size 6'

They all looked fione as is. But looking just fione isn’t how you make money.

FWIW, I think a large contingent of antipathy directed towards them is that they are wolves selling wolf tickets but instead of wolf tickets its more like a woeful wolf shitsandwich that can’t possibly invite any sort of happiness, like say painting your nails or getting a new ‘do can. Models do a job and move on to

And sometimes a murderer has the victim’s blood on their clothes. You’d totally expect the police to pin a crime on someone with the victim’s blood on their clothes.

I had a crazy Ford Escort but it was a ‘92 hatchback model and most of the crazy was related to teenage edits of Wild 94.9 stickers to read as Wild 4 69.

Justifying any purchase with “I could do worse things with it” is already a bad start.

Demand it!

LOL a bio pic about Belle and Sebastian? Cmon man.

What if it has a Coco theme?

Odds that most claiming this a fro can’t even rock one?

See, it all worked out Anne Shirley!

Careful...using the Maury Povich Percentage of Certitude Convertor, it’s very plausible that this is indeed an Afro based on the 1000X multiplier.

This made me laugh.

I just throw it all in a cast iron skillet to roast. Red onions are divine this way.

What, the lazy blowjob isn’t the standard? Now ya tell me! All these years I’ve been so lazy.