
How else are you supposed to ferry your sleeping child down The Strip at 2 AM with two fists of yard long cocktails, if not with a stroller?

Sometimes the path of most resistance at the start leads to the path of least at the end.

So I guess my question is do you ever posit to your 3 year old what life would be like without breast milk? Or what life would be like if she never gave up breast milk? I’m a mischievous uncle by trade so I like peppering my conversations with the wee ones with long term thoughts like this because the answers can be

It doesn’t count cause it was just awkward and lecherous. I’m a fellow penis-haver, I know it can seem insular and cold round these parts but the way to navigate this river is to let it carry you instead of swimming against it.

Take the loss, man. Nobody wanted manpinions on breastfeeding.

You can never refuse? What Never? Hardly Ever?

YES! Thank you for this tidbit of centuries old gossip!

I think for a lot of outside observers some of these ‘too much mom’ things don’t come across as being too involved in their kid’s lives - and homeschooling is a great example here - it comes across as ‘I literally only trust myself and myself alone to do right by my child. Everyone else will screw them up and hold

So we take the nascent cottage industry of breast milk buying in body building (Also I love the alliteration of that - Breast Milk Buying in Body Building) and blow it up big time. Amazon would be jealous of our logistical flow!

There are 45 year old men who would gladly pay for this experience.

I say let people breastfeed until the well runs dry.

People in Silicon Valley have weak spines.

FWIW A Camry or Corolla isn’t a bad choice of car though.

It makes pinching and love pats easier too. :D

You aren’t putting your wife and kids first by trying to salvage your mother in law. As tough as this might be for you, just fucking drop her. It shouldn’t be hard given her lack of mobility. 

I get the need to care for someone who needs caring but couldn’t you just adopt an old person who is nice and genuine and caring from the old folks home? Give them weekly visits and pick their brain? Why this woman who has so salted the earth?

With this fatalistic attitude i expect more of the former than the latter.

Not everyone takes Reggie Jackson type swings.

All her previous at bats in the dating game have been strike outs so...

Joe “Drax the Destroyer” Flacco. Moving so slowly you can’t even see him.