
Bah, little to do with motorcycle, everything to do with Canadian.

I think she needs to let the dead rest and see a therapist for seeing signs from beyond in a potato.

Boundaries exist. This seems super helicopter parent to me, as in, I want to know when you're having sex and where you're doing it.

Oh, you want co-ed sleepovers?

Oh hey, I know that guy!!! Well, not know him, but he performed uptown on the 2 train, which was 4 blocks from my apartments that I lived at for 3 years, so I saw him often. Let me just say that he is not my favorite person of all time. I didn't even need to watch the video. Sometimes his antics were cute, clever,

One thing is for sure: phones are so similar today that the fanboyism is absurd. Over the premiere of the G2 today, far too many are commenting "S4 copycat! S4 rulez, G2 droolz!" Really? Really? Does the presence of a competing phone offend you that much?

there is no big man so your argument is invalid

I admit, fully, that between "fight or flight," my brain tends to default to "fight" response. Which is funny, because I usually am pretty even-keeled as a person. But when I get pushed, I snap and I see red.

The not fighting back thing is such fucking bullshit. Sometimes fighting back is the ONLY way to get the message through, because the people who are bullies often only understand violence and brute physical force. Period.

Instead of befriending someone for what they can do for you, befriend them for what you can do for them. I'm thinking about mentally disabled people (or people, as I prefer to call them) who often are excluded from society because of what they look like or how they behave. They are people just like you and me who've

Okay first, befriending people just so they can do you favors sounds really narcissistic. Secondly, your mailcarrier get a paycheck to do their job. You shouldn't have to bribe them with gifts. That said I also live close to my work and see my mail carrier both at work and at home and am friendly with my mail carrier.

I wish sports in general would drop these bogus spectacles. A good place to start would be the God Bless America renditions.

I'll say it. This song blows. It always has. I now hate it with every fiber of my being, and I hate that smiling, shouting retards make me almost feel guilty over being a curmudgeon. My sound distaste of a shitty song should be able to be open and shameless, without me feeling like I just went on an angry tirade while

But what if you can't afford to give more than maybe $30? It seems to weird and awkward to give someone a $30 check. I'd rather spend $30 on an actual item (usually edible, since then it won't get thrown out—though apparently I now know this is offensive haha).

This is such a grotesque example of what weddings have turned into. Not a celebration of love and commitment, not a way to unite two families and whole genealogies of friends, not a rare opportunity to see your grandparents bee-bop confusedly to "The Humpty Dance", but a goddamned pay-by-the-plate fundraiser.

If I got a basket of candy at my wedding I would be fucking psyched beyond belief. Shit yeah dude!! I LOVE candy!!! To hell with your Hamilton Beach food processor! I want fluffy whip that I can eat with a spoon all by myself while watching Twin Peaks!!!

Weddings are to make money for your future like graduation announcements are to pay for the college.

We'll know that we've reached true equality when gays and lesbians feel free to approach their wedding with the same vulgar sense of entitlement and ingratitude that straight people have.


BE PERFECT WITHOUT ANY ASSISTANCE! Like the ladies on the Teevee!