That reversal of the out-of-bounds call and the foul called on Guy while he clearly was tripped by his own teammate affected this game. Unacceptable refereeing, especially after the missed double dribble in the previous game against Auburn.
That reversal of the out-of-bounds call and the foul called on Guy while he clearly was tripped by his own teammate affected this game. Unacceptable refereeing, especially after the missed double dribble in the previous game against Auburn.
When a rotation player on a mid-major college basketball team in the NCAA tournament finds the ball in his hands at the end of an unexpectedly close game against a team from a power conference, and throws up a shot that falls through the net right as the buzzer sounds, giving his team the upset victory, and in…
I can’t wait to not watch this game and still complain about how boring and slow these teams are.
He looks like your uncle who points out girls he thinks you’ll like. And you’re only 11.
[R. Kelly looks at pitcher and score]
Yet the players get off scot-free in everything. They can do whatever they want.
Listen, I was 9 when the Tim Burton Batman came out too, but I try not to let it back me into bonkers takes like “Jack Nicolson was a better Joker than Heath Ledger.”
Unacceptable lack of Mark Hamill in there.
My first thought upon seeing this news was, “I should text Albert!”
Awww, you’re pretty articulate for an 8 year old!
Was this counselor also, perchance, your grandpa?
Kind of weird to focus on memes, for what may arguably be Game of Thrones’ finest hour. Just as an episode, Hardhome catches you by surprise, coming out of nowhere in the second half. This is a clever change-up compared to the entire episode focus that big battles had normally been given with Blackwater and Watchers…
Umpire Tosses Dick Who Argued Balls And Strikes; Tossed Ball Strikes Umpire’s Dick And Balls
Ellaria repeatedly calling it murder really got to me. Does she not know what a trial by combat is?
I know you’re trying to criticize the segment, but I cannot anywhere in your comment find an actual substantive reason why it is flawed. Was what Bret Hart said wrong in some way? If not, what does the context in which he said it, or his later relationship with WWE matter?And what is wrong with bringing up Owen…
How is it tasteless to bring up his brothers death? All he said about it was that his brother died in the ring, which was completely true. the WWE treats their entertainers as shit and I am shocked how these wrestlers are considered independent contractors when then literally get told when to work, where to work, and…
The whole piece is bizarrely salty. It reads like it was written by Zion’s uncle or something. Zion didn’t attack after a pick and roll and passed RJ the ball on a must score possesion. RJ missed a pretty good look. With very little time left after the out of bounds, RJ attacked and drew a foul. Doing so in that…