
basically tower defence + wii u screen

They'll need a good spin doctor to get the attention of the populace

Check out it works on all devices and there is a new android app coming in a few weeks.

how is that disrespectful? biggest. compliment. ever.

runs on 0.00001% of android devices. thank you valve :)

so much yawn. a game desperate for my attention. a true quality game will have hoards of people attentive without uttering a word of 'uber awesome game fun pack actions fun!'

Thank you good sir, will check it out!

I think he meant a computer must be on to 'sync' i don't think he meant 'to access files'

Shenmue 2 did this right. When you follow someone you can lock on to them and it follows them, even in first person.


kotaku, you just made my day

Jesper Kyd or gtfo

Should be good for deals and whatnot.

why did he die?

How do we stop receiving Dark Souls 2 news in Kotaku? (waiting for PC version and can't have any spoilers, I already saw a picture of the stunning sea, SPO111LERRZZ!)

thank you lifehacker :) would be nice if they had a chrome extension rather than running something else on my computer.

Fair enough. But I used to live life like you do. It was a troubling age of obsessing over minute visual details. I guess it's as the saying goes "You can't see the wood for the trees" :)

Definitely feels fresh and original, thanks for sharing

It's a shame people over 24 years old get left out. Although I have found a few Manga/Animes that appeal to the older generation. Would love some suggestions. Maturity level: Akira, Ghost in the Shell 1 and 2 (not the TV show), Jiro Taniguchi stuff, Tokyo Godfathers etc