Sorry, but that was atrocious, mobile games and remakes, they totally flopped.
Sorry, but that was atrocious, mobile games and remakes, they totally flopped.
What kind of desprate clickbait is this? Please don't say something in the title that is blatantly false.
Shenmue I and II are coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC later this year, Sega announced at tonight’s FES…
Music reminds me of Katamari Damacy.
When Ocarina Of Time came out I was 12 years old, and I would get up 2 hours early for school to get some gameplay in. I’d think about the game all day and all night. I’d draw maps and fan art all over my school work, speculating what would lie in store when I got home and got back on the game. I even dreamed about it…
I think it’s supposed to be Dark Souls 3.0
That is incredibly sad. He made a game criticizing a United States war tactic that puts his entire family at risk of a sudden and indiscriminate death, and he gets detained while on his way to try and show it to the people who need to see it most.
I am actually more pissed by the number I see. What the fuck who paid so much money for him?
I am struggling to pay for college my car broke down and now I have to rely on public transportation because I dont have any money. I work 2 jobs and have to go to college and this guy just sits there plays fucking counter…
headphone warning please
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised but it seems a lot of the popular twitch and youtube gamer names tend to have a low ceiling. Too often I watch a stream or video of one playing a game I’m familiar with and they spend so much time complaining about being lost or confused or drawing strange conclusions when by far the…
Exactly. It will look nice, a bunch of people will say “It’s original and fun!” and no one will buy it.
Wow dude. Thanks for the non-response. Didnt even mention preordering. Which i did because i still like the steelbook and statue. PLUS amazon give prime members 20% off for preorders. I only said what i said because while im ok with the existing steelbook I REALLY like the throw back style of the 2nd image. Either…
That is actually a pretty tough argument to win (in the USA). Basically, you would have to prove the individual would not have been in the state of mind to cheat without intervention. For example, the courts have ruled government agents repeatedly attempting to sell drugs to an individual, without that individuals…
You should probably learn what clickbait actually means. I did and you won’t believe what happened next!
Fuck that video and it’s effect of everything being water and wavie. I can’t even finish it because of it.
They make a ton of cash because there aren’t enough regulations limited the predatory practices used in these games.