listen to yourself, even if you're right, just listen
listen to yourself, even if you're right, just listen
Everyone was positively shocked he wasn't [insert East-Asian country here]. So there is a chance for Westerners! :D
Will this have Robert DeNiro as well?…
We hear about American's bombing civilians from American sources. We hear about terrorists strapping bombs to kids from American sources. See where this is going?
not necessarily. could be the side of the restaurant. but most probably the diners were there to see a good fight :\
ryu and ken shoot people with fire
hello jerry
i'm getting 7/8. like i count to seven and it loops. (at about 200 bpm)
I recently created a gaming blog that's a little different. The address should indicate what it's about :)
great pacing?
holy moly those photorealistic concept works are amazing
Say goodbye to your privacy, send google a map of the inside of your home. Or your friends' home :)
thanks i'll check it out
Thanks dude!
Thanks for the backstory lol. Yeah, I think highly liquid foods like oranges and tomatoes are probably not a good choice to 'slice off the bad bit'
Anybody know of a free dropbox-like service that uses hosting space you've already paid for? I have tried ftpbox but that keeps crashing every now and again.
The problem with video editors is that they are normally one-click home movie creators or super-advanced digital studio pro tools with steep learning curves. Take the PC for instance, Windows Movie Maker is one of the most popular because it finds a balance between the two, something easy but rarely done for some…
It then is a question of how dangerous the bacteria is. Humans are almost full of bacteria, literally! madness!
Isn't mould present at the microscopic level just that, microscopic? Surely such a small dose won't harm you and the benefits of having lovely vegetables probably outweighs the invisible amount of mould.