anyone know an easy way to edit movies on android?
anyone know an easy way to edit movies on android?
beat me to it
Why "If it's the US Army"?
ouch, i'm getting the odd crash but haven't gone back to dalvik, hope i haven't messed up my phone too
great idea but.. naaaah
Before anyone asks, converting your apps from Dalvik to ART takes about 5-10 minutes depending on how many apps you have. You can also return back from ART to Dalvik later if you have any compatibility issues with certain apps.
am i the only one put off by how fake the narration is?
Have you thought of going to kickstarter rather than selling out to car companies?
Which (if any) upcoming comedians are you excited about?
It's a shame we can't have a discussion about something without you getting sarcastic. If you disagree I would appreciate and respect your response. We are trying to discuss something so we get somewhere, unless we both win, neither of us win.
Just because you or other artists agree to have their work shared for free you can't go against the wishes of those artists who explicitly choose not to have their work shared for free, or in their view 'stolen'. Your argument is that we should be able to tell everyone how to exploit something so that the exploit can…
Rather than telling Soundcloud directly it's better to post it on a website entitled "lifehacker". That's like saying jailbreaking iphones only helps sales of apps. Rightyho!
no juicy snes start/select button?
he's clearly talking about x and y
15) C Down (N64)
great music/audio
lol, yeh but would seriously love to see a modern day adaption of the redhead ryu