Swiss Family Bitchypants

I have the weirdest boner thinking about sitting in the floor carpet “Love Channel” to drive this thing.

Yep, file this in with duck noses / dog faces. never unsee!

Experienced Salad Women.

Wasn’t that Joan and Peggy?

I always figured the drivetrain problems with the Vega were because it was supposed to be the next Corvair, and they had to scramble to make it more conventional quickly. Why else would it have air intakes just like a VW type 3?

That’s good, but all I see is the Giraffe Car from Zootopia.

Yeah, American carmakers rose to the challenge by covering their ears and screaming “LALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU”

These cars are the poster children for everything wrong with American cars in the 70's. Malaise wasn’t just for emissions, it was the mission statement for this design. Almost like they were seeing just how much they could get away with and still sell them. I particularly like how most design decisions seem to have

More than the Cruze, I see Saturn Ion, like they’re not even trying to hide it with a half hearted re-skin.

All I can say about this is two things.

Why are there toilet seat cover dispensers where there should be rear windows on the Waku Waku? I can’t be the only person seeing that.

Meanwhile, in Virginia, you can apparently just write “FARM USE” on a piece of cardboard, stick it on in place of a license plate, and everything is just fine.

And from the looks of it they do it ass forward, so not delivery in the rear, it’s delivery with the rear.

Hoe Larious!

My mind tells me it’s ugly, but my heart loves it!

OH MY GOD I HAVE A BAG A CHANGE FOR COINSTAR IMA GIVE MY CAR A NEW LOOK! (actually i think it’s not bad for what it is, exactly imperfect enough to be whimsy as opposed to denial)

Yeah, advice to posters of stuff for sale on Craigslist: Please don’t ever change. Continue to show us photos of your dirty cars, your couch encrusted with cats in your filth strewn living room, so that we know exactly which items to avoid.

I miss shorts that were short, and not apologizing for not being pants.

I suspect an illegal phasing cloak device.

And when cold they vibrated violently, enough to shake the mirror off the windshield and the horn wire loose inside the steering wheel, sending you scrambling under the dash to yank out fuses as fast as you can at 3am. In a brand new vehicle.