
“Today, for every $1 earned by men, our female employees in the U.S. earn 99.8 cents at the same job title and level,” wrote Kathleen Hogan, executive vice president of human resources for Microsoft in a post on the company’s site. She also shared information about the differences (or lack thereof) in compensation for

No you wouldn’t, you’d get halfway out of your driveway and then have o fix the shit out of it.

Gizmodo has quickly become Gawker 2.0, its really pathetic. we get it, republicans are evil and want to poison and kill, democrats are saints and will save the planet and make it a utopia if given the chance...

I mean, the thing is that this is an issue where there are legitimate disagreements about methodology and conclusions. It’s very hard to do sound social science on these topics. Reasonable people can reasonably disagree about the size and sources of the wage gap. But as soon as you accuse anyone who thinks the gap is

Well said!

You’re really ruining this site for me.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I had no idea my state was about to pass bad laws like protecting lawbreakers, and now I can do my part to prevent that.

This would actually be a really great resource, but it is simply filled with a skewed perspective. It basically says Democrat = Good, Republican = Bad. It’s just not that black and white, and I wish this was presented without a predetermination of “Harmful” or “Protects Communities.”

I think it’s pretty damn clear that few few people who objected to trump (including not a single goddamned writer at Gizmodo Media have) have learned anything at all from this fiasco.

Your idea of “bad laws” and mine are completely different. Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like. The idea of adding political rhetoric to a site that is not designed for such things is where some of the “fake news” originates. I am one that is exasperated at the idea that those in

How is enforcement of laws (illegal immigration) bad? Since we’re picking and choosing laws to enforce, I choose not to enforce speeding, tax evasion, and maybe movie piracy as I see fit. Thanks.

Biased. Plain and simple. Even legal immigrants don’t like this bashing of enforcement. And yes, your ancestors DID have to

Not biased much, at all, no not at all.

I’ve used GW several times and it was dead simple. Surprised it didn’t make the list...

How in the heck is Google Wallet, which has been around forever and still works exactly as it should, not on this list?

Without Google Wallet this list is nullified.

Agreed, glaring omission from this list.

I like Google Wallet because it deposits to my bank account like instantly.

I prefer to use Google Wallet, which is pretty straightforward. It’s easy to keep track of, and the other person just needs a Gmail account.

I’d legitimately be interested in one of these if I knew I could beat a Toyota Camry out of the hole. I don’t care how well it handles, I don’t take the Nurburgring to work, I don’t want to be embarrassed by soccer moms in their minivans in my supposed sports car.

Wasn’t there also talk of Subaru and Toyota each going their own way for hot versions of the twins?