
Except this isn’t an opinion. People claim that climate change is an opinion, but it’s not. There’s a mountain of evidence which shows it is happening and affecting our world. The opinion may be on whether it is man-made or not, but there is no way to honestly deny it is happening. In Cincinnati this year so far, we

Google is in the right on this one. Censorship of a search engine should never be allowed unless it is illegal activity that is being censored (which has some grey to it). So there is some weird climate change theory stuff that people believe or are interested in. If it is the top story then obviously more people are

You didn’t read the peer reviewed article.

That was my point. It’s one of those things that people repeat and just assume it must be true.

Answers like this show a fundamental ignorance of what science is and are typically written by non-scientists.

How do you know they’re lies? Last time I checked you were a desk monkey with no investigative capability.

I must respectfully disagree. Having lived in both Ontario (mandatory re-certification each time a vehicle is sold) and Quebec (no vehicle certifications), the latter doesn’t lead to any appreciable increase in vehicular accidents caused by vehicle equipment failure. 99.99% of all road accidents are still caused by

why do we have this insance drive to tell other people what to do and frame it as concern. while at the same time telling other people, hay it is your own fault  i am not going to help you.

Issues of side effects and alternate birth control could be simply addressed by pharmacists as well as the pharmacist being able to simply advise when they should go back to their doctor. It isn’t like doctors are going to get it right either.

Marketing isn’t targeted for people who hate marketing, so don’t feel bad. Most people will give it a watch, think to themselves “that was neat”, and move on with their lives. But the goal is to make it memorable on some level and have you think about the brand or message again in the future.

Nope, people loved it. And everyone I’ve shared this with likes it too. Perhaps this campaign isn’t for your generation (or class of customer).

Cool pics. Which Instagram filter is this?

0-60? Yes.

Hmm. Maybe you can do math fine but then you can’t read your own words you wrote...which is it you lack... math skills or reading skills?

I empathize with the spirit of the article but some small voice in my head parroted the title back as, “someone, somewhere on the internet said something” and I cringed. There is never any shortage of people looking to be outraged about something... and this is pretty low hanging fruit.

I had a rant about this but I deleted it. I was going to point out that this site had a guide about this. And that I could do this for less than half of what she paid. . . Then I read that DIY article and felt my brain miss a shift. . . Either everything is alternative facts or alternate realities. What. The. Fuck.

And you don’t have to go through the hassle of doing the Pi up yourself, which some people don’t want to fuck with.

Looks like a rebel post. Corporate will apologize profusely before the day is out, and somebody will be fired quite dramatically.

I care. So you’re wrong.