
Is there an objective reason to choose a robot advisor over a Vanguard ETF? From my perspective they’re exactly the same. I put money into it and it automatically diversifies the money into stocks, bonds, etc. The difference that I can see is that robot advisor fees are higher than Vanguard fees. For example, VTI has

British-branded car owned and made by Germans photographed in America. Does Mini really think their customers are this stupid? They should just put “IM STUPID” badges on it. It would be more honest and less gaudy than the flags everywhere.

Yeah? Wait till you upgrade from peasant cars and get one with COOLED seats. I love those things.


So, what is a privacy-seeking single person supposed to do? Lie.

I too live in Silver Spring and share your exact opinion. Bikes, bikes everywhere!

According to everything we know about credit scores to date, that is is not true. You should aim for a credit utilization rate of 30% or less of your available credit limit and the people with the top credit scores have an average credit utilization rate of 8%. Source:

^That is why I use my credit card for 100% of purchases. I have paid exactly $0.00 in interest because I pay the balance off weekly.

I keep about $1000-$2000 in my checking account, $5000 in my savings account as an “emergency fund” and funnel the rest into retirement savings and investment accounts.

Do yourself a favor and put $15k or more of that $20k into an ETF.

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Now imagine the same boss fight, with one difference...

District Taco and Founding Farmers are bougey shit. If you want legit orgasmic tacos you go to Tacqueria Habenero.

the safe choice if you want a solid dealership network and reliable mechanicals,

4-cylinder turbo. 250ho 5.7 0-60 money (BMW 328i). And the 3 series isn’t cramped.

Last night I had my first collision incident online. I was 2nd and balls to balls with a car. We were both taking a hard right turn on a wide piece of road and I hit the turn better than him so I was starting to pass him. All of a sudden, he smashes into my left rear bumper, I lose control and fly off the track. The

In any competent and professional workplace there are rules on how to dress. If one of the rules is no short sleeve shirts, and I’m a male, and see that another male is wearing a short sleeve shirt, I’d politely let him know that he should be careful wearing short sleeve shirts because according to the employee

This guy and Beth Skwarecki are the worst. They’re ruining Lifehacker and trying to turn it into Jezebel 2.0. Look how sloppily written this article is, how many assumptions Patrick is making and how many strawman arguments he’s putting forth so he can soapbox about sexism, when he’s the one actually being sexist.

Give the public what they wanted

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This article provides evidence for you being ignorant how money works and yet you make claims about what is and isn’t money. Did it ever occur to you that, as a journalistic writer, that maybe you should do some research before publishing a piece about a cryptocurrency?