
My weapon of choice for the Iron Butt was my Interceptor. That thing was so comfortable I could do Tampa to DC in a single day. With the seat I had when the top pic was taken, I needed that damn pillow. After I got back from Ohio, a new seat was ordered.

Jesus tap dancing Christ. I knew Giz comments always leaned a bit on the whiny obnoxious libertarian side. But when did they go full on 4chan?

Glad to see your bullshit has a public platform to be displayed through Gizmodo, a “tech blog”. Keep up the great work Matt.

Who cares? I don’t go to sports professionals for politics and the same would apply for media entertainers. That doesn’t mean I can’t like Football or the guys Youtube persona.

This isn’t hard, you sell the car. Go buy a $2500 Camry. Get you financial house in order, and focus on your kid and finding a new job. You don’t need some fancy European car to impress people you don’t even like. Next time you buy a $60k car, pay cash.

Maybe there’s context? Did anyone watch the original video?

As a Jew that has been subjected to the side-splitting ‘hilarity’ of folks cracking Jews-in-the-oven jokes (right alongside the dead baby jokes, just for that touch of class), who gives a flying shit?

Bad Kotaku going for bad sensationalism... It was obvious it was a joke he thought would never go through. He tried to defend the guys, taking the blame, but Fevirr wanted nothing from it. He tried to help them through other means and all. He basically did a whole video on that. Why don’t you talk about it more? It

It’s clear that you aren’t interested in an answer. If you wanted to know why it was funny, or what the context was, you would watch the original video and decide for yourself. You clearly just want to feign moral outrage rather than understand the intent behind something. He didn’t exploit “poor workers” to make any

Jesus H. Christ there are like 999 things wrong with those graphs. There are more things wrong with them than there are right with them.

Man ya know I see you guys talking a ton of shit against companies not on the list yet I’m not seeing your parent company anywhere on that list...

What the hell has this country come to? One moment, we’re lambasting companies because they had an opinion that didn’t agree with the political opinions of the people, and now we’re lambasting companies that are NOT overly concerning themselves in politics? Have we suddenly become North Korea, a country where you got

Is Gawker/Gizmodo on the list?

This guy survived World War II.

40% of illegal immigrants from mexico come in via plane. Tunnels are also used to move them in because the border is pretty well watched. More come in via sea as well.

Process separation in Chrome is a key need for real stability to prevent any page from crashing the entire browser. Mozilla have just released this approach in v51 (on the Mac, at least), separating the web view from the main browser and are moving toward the process-per-tab approach soon.

I have tried it that way before and have found it quite bland. I say that as a person who typically loves bland food. Tomato sauce, a small, small pinch of sugar, fresh diced oregano, fresh parsley, fresh basil, a small bit of garlic, a dash of fresh cracked pepper, and then slow cook for a few hours. I add a little

im going to start with this-

Its not a grey area, you sign at purchase what amounts to a contract with HOAs to abide by deed restrictions. If this was their plan going into it when it violated the deed restrictions, they entered into the contact in bad faith especially on the multifamily dwelling caveat...