
2014 Dodge Avenger.

No one needs to dick it up too much about Skinner. He is a solid driver, and just like the other three, is playing up a character.

Look how casual his demeanor is while flinging the M2 around. As much as we like to mock NASCAR for heavy cars, beer bellies, and being littered with people incapable of processing a

...he’s from the South. The American South.

HAL was not a villain; he was programmed to complete the mission and the humans tried to sabotage him, so he did what was necessary.

Is Nintendo silent about NES CE numbers to continue their plan of artificial scarcity in the States?

While it may be fun to conflate different issues, it’s logically dishonest. It would be censorship. And fake news is certainly an expression of thought or opinion. Whether Facebook decides to censor it has nothing to do with the First Amendment. It is a question about whether we want Facebook deciding what news is

Would this affect a site like The Onion?

What the fuck are you even talking about? What conservative views have been silenced? Examples of Politifacts or Snopes being wrong “plenty of times?”

What about sites that link click bait articles on the bottom on their pages with things like “10 ways to get out of debt today!” and “you won’t believe what this naughty celeb did next”. Oh yeah, I’m on one of those sites.

I’m guessing it will depend on whether you “news” offend their liberal sensibilities.

No, actually it is a good point, how do they decide what is a “real” New site, is it the site that the mainstream agrees with? This could be used as a way of silencing unpopular opinions and dissent. Free speech should always be free for everyone regardless of whether you agree or not.

Marketing focus groups are just a hot box of farts.

I’m an advertising creative director and I cringe every time I see such lazy copy. Copywriter and art director: If you don’t anything about cars, run your script by someone that does.

When the first sentence of the article calls for discussion among writers and readers, “don’t click on it” ceases to be a valid argument. I don’t click on cosplay or snack stories because I don’t care. I clicked on this one because Stephen asked for a discussion, and my point of view is a valid one.

I had hoped to have at least one place I could go to and escape from endless debates, finger-pointing, and rhetoric over the next few weeks and months. A place where I could just engage in my hobby, and only see election or political stories if they actually affected video games. Maybe someone would make a good game


So you spent a year conditioning a 7 year old that Donald Trump was the monster under the bed and when that fateful day came you were shocked by his reaction. One that you admittedly cannot distinguish between normal tantrums and his reaction to the news.


You could have said something like “Everyone deserves a fair

This is well thought out. Can’t believe this is on a Gakwer blog.

Wow... Gizmodo has really gone down the drain. Like normally the complaints about content here are just obnoxious, but seriously this is some really dumb stuff. Write about tech. Can anyone think of the last time anyone on Gizmodo talked about the new Chevy bolt? Solar power? Battery technology? Gadgets? Magnets?

So Gizmodo is just not a blog about how bad trump is? Got it.