
I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.

Play something every day for a month and it’ll get boring, that’s just the nature of video games.

Jesus this vendetta against Thiel is getting really old. Yeah, he funded the lawsuit that killed Gawker, but guess what? Gawker lost that lawsuit not because of Thiel’s money but because of it’s it’s own behavior and how that behavior was viewed in a court of law. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the

Alienating people for their beliefs? That’s always worked out well for us in the past.

I find Donald Trump to be reprehensible, despicable, and someone unworthy of and unfit for the Presidency. Yet... I don’t think we can start disassociating ourselves and organizations from every person who is supporting him. Even if they’re wrong to support him. And I agree with Altman - it’s a dangerous path to start

‘Member when Mitsubishi made fun cars? ‘Member the EVO? ‘Member the Starion? ‘Member the Eclipse? Yeeeeeaaaaahhh I ‘member.

LOL iPhone killer? Does anyone still do iPhone vs Android battle any more? I think Apple users are gonna buy an iPhone no matter what and Android phones are competing with OTHER Android phones.

I would like to commend Gizmodo on actually publishing an article that has something to do with gizmos and technology. I may not agree with your conclusions, but it was refreshing to not see any political gawker bullshit in your article. Thank you for NOT ruining another article!

I still think the rear of that car looks like a baby walking around with a huge dump in its diaper.

Pretty much the same with any “media” outlet. You’re at the mercy of the one reporting.

I’m confused, that guide contains references to neither digital nor smartwatches. It’s not as if those are *shudder* unfashionable???

If they follow kinja deals, they can get some Anker products which are on sale 100% of the time, just an idea.

Yup, just bought one of these in voodoo blue. It’s funky and different and stick shift.

With enough budget to spare for some rims, lowering springs, and other aftermarket accessories. :)

Scion xB. You asked for Funky and Roomy...

A low mileage 2012-13 335i should be right around the top end of that budget. Lots of potential for upgrades, but a good performer right out of the box. Here’s the one I had for a week. Pretty much every option.

i’ll be the guy to say GTI

Forget the kids thing. The thought of getting into a nice, cool, 68 degree car after leaving it baking in the work parking lot all day is enough to sell me!

Can I write the counterpoint op-ed for this one?

Dear Toyota/Subaru, make the 86/BRZ a hybrid, charge $30,000 and market it as an affordable everyday 918/NSX/McLaren P1. It will fix the low torque that everyone whines about and double or triple the MPG. Everybody wins.