
It’s less than a gallon of gas for me to go, so still really cost effective compared to what I used to do. At one point, I’d stop every night on the way home and buy what I needed, or thought I needed, for dinner. That got ridiculously expensive!

I agree. If I forget something then it waits and I add it for the next week. It’s cut out almost all the food impulse buying I used to do.


Not really, no. I go now every other week, still spend less than half what I was spending every other night, so I’m saving in the long run. $200 every other week as opposed to sometimes over $300 in one week is a huge difference.

My biggest problem was always the grocery store. When we lived 5 minutes from one, it was easy to ‘just run in’ and pick something up. Eighty dollars later, I’d get home and remember that I didn’t even get the one thing I went for. Jump ahead a year and we now live twenty minutes- without traffic - from the grocery

Coffee requires land to make, and fertilizer. Haiti was deforested completely to grow coffee, but not till after it’s natives were slaughtered, after that slave labor was used. Then the slaves revolted and tried to genocide their masters, then the former masters tried to genocide the former slaves, Haiti has been a

“ Because he keeps writing like he has no idea!”

I have never understood why people use those things. Why not just run over to your local shit-encrusted bodega and buy a cup of their over brewed piss water for a dollar? Because the taste is comparable. I frequently have to go into affluent yuppie chick’s apartments for work and they all have a big “tree” of these

Do you own a house? Did you pay cash for it? If the answers are “yes” and “no”, respectively, then you at least admit there is a line somewhere. Now we’re just debating where that line is.

gasoline is more toxic than microbeads. Stop driving now.

It’s 2016. Get over it.

That was really desperate. WeatherTech must have threatened to pull their ads or something.

Might me wrong, but I gotta say it. Major Kusanagi is basically 100% cyborg, right? Doesn’t that leave room for her to not quite look Asian? I haven’t seen 100% of the series, OVAs, et al, maybe 70%, but I don’t remember anything saying she appeared Japanese, and IMO she only really looked “Japanese” in the first

Nice chart! I like how it completely undermines your point.

> Android’s emoji are known for being just awfully designed. It’s not just a matter of style—in some cases they’re so different from other platforms that they can lead to some serious misunderstandings.

No, just no. A fun car is wasted on a commute, fun cars have manual transmissions, and stirring the stick for 45 minutes in the morning while trying to drink coffee, gargles donkey balls.

The Z32 is the car that made me love Japanese sports cars. But the cars that came after just left me cold and unfulfilled, except the S2000. Two cars that got it right. The Miata would be a redundancy even though it is still in production. The S2000 just won the slot first.

What’s the best car you have ever driven?

Dear Toyota/Subaru, make it a hybrid, charge $30,000 and market it as the affordable everyday 918/NSX/McLaren P1.

You had such a good article going, then you ruined it with this: