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This article provides evidence for you being ignorant how money works and yet you make claims about what is and isn’t money. Did it ever occur to you that, as a journalistic writer, that maybe you should do some research before publishing a piece about a cryptocurrency?

Like most Gizmodo/Gawker bloggers, the author of this post, Justin Westbrook, doesn’t have any background or formal education in journalism. He has a degree in business. And his previous job was being a Jimmy John’s manager

This is Infowars-grade intellectual dishonesty.

Have a you considered contacting the two other 5.51 record holders from the 1983 magazine entry? William A Stewart and Kevin Kopaczewski. They could share how they got their times or possibly give some insight.

These types of articles are the reason why I’m embarrassed to tell anyone I read Gawker blogs. This just comes off as disgustingly ethnocentric fromthe person who lives in NYC. No research was done, no regard to laws, no regard to HOA rules, just an opinion from a person who lives in a city telling others what to do.

Myspace profile pages live on in the mechanical keyboard customization community.

This is probably the most out-of-touch What Car Should I Buy? yet. Jalop writers, John says that he’s buying this car equally for him and equally for this 4-year-old son. A 4-year-old. Four-year-old’s don’t think cars older than 2-3 years old are cool. His son will laugh at cars like an R32, a 240Z and a 90’s NSX.

Prove it.

I think it’s gorgeous. Who do I address my check to?

Wow. That’s a lot of stuff in a fighting game. This is kind of bewildering. I’m just so used to my fighting games having an arcade, versus, survival and practice mode, with $15 DLC costumes.

I owned a manual BRZ for two years and drive a motorcycle.

I’m getting the WRX because it has an auto option.

Patrick, thank you for writing this. The point about if the flight crew / the police ask you to do something, you should do it, is exactly what I’ve been saying from the very start to everyone I talk to about this issue. You can even strip away the incident to its bare minimum and ask, “If a police officer asks you to

I eat veggie sushi.

Trump: “I don’t know that I knew him in 2015.” 

What’s going on with the photography at Jalopnik? Are the only two options passé-hipster film photos where half of the frame is black or this butchered over processed color vomit? It doesn’t have to be on the edge of cliché photo styles, there’s an in between there, somewhere. Find it, please, because my eyes can’t

“Today Only” - Yeah, I’ll wait another couple months when it’s down to $20 with all the DLC included.

“Today Only” - Yeah, I’ll wait another couple months when it’s down to $20 with all the DLC included.

Where are the women? Can only men be “best dressed?” This blog post is sexist.